Large Ungulate Population increases Gov. officer become aware of the wildlife conservation laws and their importance. They further become aware that the laws are not being enforced as should be, that it is their responsibility to do so and that they need to cooperate with other agencies to be successful. Gov. officer agree that the gaps in the law enforcement process are a problem for controlling wildlife poaching in the protected area Gov agree that 1. enforcing the law on wildlife conservation is important 2. it is their responsibility 3. they need to work together with other agencies to be successful Gov. officer have talked to other officers about how what can be done to improve law enforcement for wildlife conservation DNP and WCS support and have allocated a budget for meetings, workshops and site visits for government authorities across 2/3 districts. Gov. officer from each section understand and support each other in their work to successfully enforce the law on wildlife conservation. Increase in law enforcement and risk of getting caught, reduces poaching of ungulates for trade in HKK Results Chain ToC KnowledgeAttitudeInterpersonal Communications + + Barrier Removal + Behavior Change Threat Reduction Conservation Result Government Officer (ranger, police and public prosecutor) Large Ungulate (Target) Weak of law enforcement Direct Poaching of large ungulates for trade by local people Factor Chain Lack of law enforcement by lawyer system and police Lack of cooperation between different government authorities Results chains DEEP DIVE THAILAND
Large Ungulate (Target) Poaching for selling bush meat Wild meat is sold in market and restaurant Weak law enforcement Direct poaching of large Ungulate by local people Factor Chain Special team is in place to support the DNP and WCS to inspect and check the restaurant in 3 districts and enforce the law for wildlife trade. The risk of getting caught for carrying out wildlife trade has gone up. ToC KnowledgeAttitudeInterpersonal Communications + + Barrier Removal + Behavior Change Threat Reduction Conservation Result Restaurant Owners Large Ungulate (Target) The restaurant owners know that 1) selling bush meat is illegal 2) eating bush meat brings diseases to humans 3) large ungulates are important for ecosystem and biodiversity. R.O agree selling bush meat is not a good thing as it is illegal, relates to endangered wildlife and can give their customers diseases. RO therefore think that they should stop the trade. R.O have talked to other R.O. about stop to sell bush meat in the restaurant and punishment about that R.O. stop selling bush meat in their shops / restaurants and stop buying bush meat from poachers Poaching of large ungulates in HKK is reduced Results Chain Results chains DEEP DIVE THAILAND
Large Ungulate Population increases Bush meat consumers become aware that 1) to eat bush meat is illegal 2) eating bush can be a risk to human health 3) eating bush meat is not ethical or trendy Consumers agree that to eat bush meat is illegal and should not be done Consumers have talked to others about stopping to eat bush meat, health risks and law Environmental health partner with WCS to raise awareness about risk of eating bush meat. There is better law enforcement of laws against wildlife trade. Consumers stop consuming bush meat in restaurant and shops and stop buying bush meat from poachers. As there is less demand for wild meat, poaching for wild meat is reduced Results Chain ToC KnowledgeAttitudeInterpersonal Communications + + Barrier Removal + Behavior Change Threat Reduction Conservation Result Large Ungulate (Target) Poaching for selling bush meat Wild meat is sold in markets and restaurants Demand for wild meat by consumers Direct Poaching of large ungulates for trade by local people Factor Chain Consumers Results chains DEEP DIVE THAILAND