We will be able to compare and contrast the terms collectivism and individuality by using a double bubble map.
*Read the following terms. What is one word that comes to mind when describing the meaning of these terms. Equality Union International Liberty Solidarity Fraternity Collective Fraternity Democracy Unanimity International Alliance Solidarity Harmony Unanimity Similarity
“We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One, indivisible and forever.”
Take 10 minutes, and in complete sentences, answer the four questions on the back of your Amish Lifestyle notes from yesterday, as well as the bellwork question on the front. I will be grading these four questions.
Discussion You will have 10 minutes to answer the questions on the handout. You will then break into your groups to discuss your answers. Exit Slip- What do you envision the future to look like? Write a 3-5 sentence paragraph answering the above question, or list 5 things you expect to see.
In the vocabulary section of your binder or notebook, write two synonyms, for Collectivism, 2 synonyms for Individualism, and 2 synonyms for free well (the synonyms for free will can be phrases).
What attributes make up your identity? Pair Share You will turn to the person either behind you or in front of you and describe the attributes you wrote in your free write. Make sure you use the following academic language when beginning your explanation: The attributes that make up my identity are ___________.
Russian author, Ayn Rand, wrote the novelette Anthem, after escaping Communist Russia and fleeing to America. Anthem is about the idea of collectivism vs. individuality.
Collectivism – The practice of giving a group priority over each individual in it. Individuality – The qualities that distinguish one person or thing from another.
Collectivism A society ruled by an upper class with few democratic ideals. State propaganda programs and educational systems that coerce most citizens into worshipping the state and its government, in an attempt to convince them into thinking that life under the regime is good and just. Collective societies have strict conformity among citizens and the general assumption that dissent and individuality are bad.
Collectivism Citizens of a collective society have a fear or disgust of the world outside the state. A collective society often has a penal system that lacks due process laws and often employs psychological or physical torture. A totalitarian government - the political authority exercises control over all aspects of life, the individual is controlled by the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is forcibly put to an end.
Individuality Independence – freedom from outside control or support Free Will – People can make choices; make up their own minds, can make decisions, can direct their own lives by the ideas and values they adopt. Non-Western (not western Europe or North America) culture rejects individualism.
Collectivism vs. Individuality
The Anthem It's a new day, but it all feels old It's a good life, that's what I'm told But everything, it all just feels the same At my high school, it felt more to me Like a jail cell, a penitentiary My time spent there, it only made me see That I don't ever wanna be like you I don't wanna do the things you do I'm never gonna hear the words you say and I don't ever wanna, I don't ever wanna be You...don't wanna be just like you Oh what I'm sayin' is this is the anthem, throw all your hands up, you... don't wanna be you
Collectivism vs. Individuality
Another Brick in the Wall, part 2 We don't need no education We don’t need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teachers leave them kids alone Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone! All in all it's just another brick in the wall. All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
Lyric notes: Based on your annotations, write a brief summary stating why the song “Anthem,” by Good Charlotte, is an example of a collective or individualistic society: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Based on your annotations, write a brief summary stating why the song “Another Brick in the Wall Part 2,” by Pink Floyd, is an example of a collective or individualistic society: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
Double Bubble Map
In your own words, write one sentence describing the main difference between collectivism and individuality. Pair Share The main difference between collectivism and individuality is ______________.