THE STORY OF MY BIRTH I was born in St. Lukes in Nampa. I don’t remember anything, but I think that my parents thought I was going to be a girl!
PETS. I have three sisters, one dog, And one cat.
FRIENDS Channing Knapp Christian Scoggin David Peckt Corbin Davis
MY HOBBIES I like to: Draw, Climb stuff, Run, Ski, Read.
TOP TEN FAVORITES 1. Red vines, 8. Brownies, 2. Snickers, 9. Chocolate, 3. Twix, 10.and most other 4. Jolly Ranchers, junk food. 5. Reese’s peanut butter cups, 6. Pie, 7. Cake,
MY HERO My hero is my uncle. He is really cool because he can speak four languages and lives in Germany. He is really interested in illusions like me.
WHEN I GROW UP When I grow up I want to be an engineer. I like finding out how things work. I don’t know what kind of engineer I want to be but I know that I want to be one. All of the engineers that I have met seem a lot like me, so I will be a good one.
SOMETHING UNIQUE ABOUT ME I am unique because I am born on the LEAP YEAR!!!! It’s cool because that makes me three years old.
cars Citroen gt 67 jag lotus
collections Rocks Zippers Quarters Knives And clothes
animals Monkeys Pandas Penguins Paragon falcon Chameleon Geckos Sting rays
CONCLUSION I hope you liked my slide show and learned something about me.