JEOPARDY Surf’s UpYou’ve Got Mail Play on Words It’s All About the Numbers Presentation Is Everything
SURF’S UP A worldwide network of computers.
SURF’S UP A company that offers Internet accounts and connections to individuals and businesses.
SURF’S UP A software application that enables a person to access sites on the World Wide Web.
SURF’S UP The “official” term for a website address – usually referred to by the acronym URL.
SURF’S UP A connection between one web document and another that when clicked, takes the browser to another web document.
YOU’VE GOT MAIL Messages sent or received through the use of a computer network or the Internet.
YOU’VE GOT MAIL When you receive an message and you want to send the message to someone else, you use this command.
YOU’VE GOT MAIL Any file linked to and sent with an message.
YOU’VE GOT MAIL Rules of acceptable behavior that apply to Internet communications.
YOU’VE GOT MAIL that is unwanted and unsolicited advertising or other messages.
PLAY ON WORDS The blank space that appears from the edge of the paper to the edge of text in a document.
PLAY ON WORDS A tool used to look up synonyms for a selected word.
PLAY ON WORDS The tool that is used to find repeated words, irregular capitalization, and other types of errors in a document.
PLAY ON WORDS Ready–to-use drawings or pictures that can be inserted into a document.
PLAY ON WORDS This determines how the lines in a paragraph appear in relation to - or line up between - the left and right margins (left, center, right, or justify).
IT’S ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS An intersection of a column and row (each little box) in a worksheet with an address such as C36.
IT’S ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS A built-in or pre-written mathematical equation, such as SUM or AVERAGE, that is included in Excel.
IT’S ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS A type of chart that shows percentages - the relationship of parts to a whole.
IT’S ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS The order you would select to sort a worksheet that would place the highest number at the top and the lowest number at the bottom of a list.
IT’S ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS The print orientation that prints a page that is “sideways” - or wider than it is tall.
PRESENTATION IS EVERYTHING One way you can move from one slide to the next while viewing a slide show.
PRESENTATION IS EVERYTHING A visual effect that you can apply to enhance the way the screen changes during a slide show as you move from one slide to another.
PRESENTATION IS EVERYTHING When you insert a new slide in a slide show and you want to make the slide a “Title slide” or a “Bulleted List slide” you select this.
PRESENTATION IS EVERYTHING The type of printout that contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 9 PowerPoint slides per page.
PRESENTATION IS EVERYTHING The view that displays a thumbnail of all slides in the order in which they appear – used to rearrange slides and add special effects such as transitions or animations.
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