CERN 13-Jun-2002 Andreas Pfeiffer, CERN/IT-API, Development Infrastructure Andreas Pfeiffer CERN IT/API
CERN 13-Jun-2002 Andreas Pfeiffer, CERN/IT-API, 2 Outline CVS server service Compilers Infrastructure for LCG application area Summary
CERN 13-Jun-2002 Andreas Pfeiffer, CERN/IT-API, 3 CVS server service Initiated in IT/PS group on request from users Limited resources: 0.5 FTE available Collected user requirements early 2002 Priority set for each requirement Study hardware architectures Availability, speed of data access, maintenance Tests done with various options Proposed system will be set up Pilot project starting July Production by September
CERN 13-Jun-2002 Andreas Pfeiffer, CERN/IT-API, 4 Proposed setup for CVS service Proposed architecture: “Cheap High Availability” 2 servers selected via load-balancing Scalable: add more servers if needed Repositories in AFS Access control Monitoring through CNSURE Data (code) security AFS backup cvsupd to mirror Mirrored repositories regularly written to Castor
CERN 13-Jun-2002 Andreas Pfeiffer, CERN/IT-API, 5 Performance tests Tests performed using large s/w packages abi MB, 4699 files octave MB, 3306 files mrproject MB, 434 files Combinations of access schemes (Kerberos IV, ssh), repositories (AFS and local disk) Performance acceptable Tuning of AFS cache possible (not yet done) Concurrent access ok Transparent fail over in less than 30 sec.
CERN 13-Jun-2002 Andreas Pfeiffer, CERN/IT-API, 6 Other issues Requirements from LCG (as specified by Torre) covered in initial list. Various access schemes implemented pserver, kserver, ssh (restricted shell) CVSweb/Bonsai Read-only access to CVS Access through central web servers Bugzilla, LXR, project management features Not in scope for CVS server Not implemented.
CERN 13-Jun-2002 Andreas Pfeiffer, CERN/IT-API, 7 Time line Pilot project to start in July Not yet fully functional Work needed on: Developing a lock monitoring system Developing a project registration system and implementing group policies CVSupd Setup and archive in Castor Deployment of monitoring system cvsweb/Bonsai central web services Production in September
CERN 13-Jun-2002 Andreas Pfeiffer, CERN/IT-API, 8 Compilers From last december’s FOCUS meeting PlatformO/SC/C++FORTRAN LINUX/IntelRH 6.1 gcc gcc g LINUX/IntelRH 7.2gcc g Solaris7SC 5.2 (WS6 upd1) SC 5.2 Solaris8SC 5.2 (CC-5.3)SC 5.2
CERN 13-Jun-2002 Andreas Pfeiffer, CERN/IT-API, 9 Compilers Requirements from LCG RH 7.2 : gcc 3.1 and icc 60 Solaris 8 using CC 5.4 with new STL Started to look into Intel’s compiler for Redhat Performance increase for applications (Intel h/w) Binary compatibility with gcc (incl. C++ ABI) Meeting next Wednesday Sun guarantees binary compatibility (outside kernel) will look into newer versions of compilers (new STL)
CERN 13-Jun-2002 Andreas Pfeiffer, CERN/IT-API, 10 LCG Infrastructure IT/API involved in various activities Set up services on LCG application server cvs, cvsweb, Bonsai (until central services are available) Prepare infrastructure for various items: Participate in evaluation of configuration mgt tool (CMT/SCRAM) System for nightly builds (once configuration mgt tool is decided) Quality assurance tools and how to use them Propose common design and coding guidelines (based on existing ones in the expts. and IT) Prepare and install 3 rd party s/w (with LCG resources) Preparing proposal for s/w process
CERN 13-Jun-2002 Andreas Pfeiffer, CERN/IT-API, 11 Summary CVS service underway, limited in resources Pilot project in July Production service in September Compilers New compilers under study Requests from LCG LCG infrastructure Work has started Slow start of LCG projects …