Noun: Person, place, thing, or idea EX: Beth, school, party, time
Kinds of nouns: *common *proper *concrete *abstract
Common Nouns: Names a non- specific or general noun EX: computer, keyboard Proper noun: Specific person, place, thing, or idea EX: Sally, Slidell
Abstract: Names things that you cannot see or touch EX: time, love Concrete: Names things that you can see or touch EX: desk
Identify the following nouns as common or proper and concrete or abstract: boat Beth love New York time man air Burger King Common, concrete Proper, concrete Common, abstract Proper, concrete Common, abstract Common, concrete Proper, concrete
Singular Nouns: Noun that names one person, place, or thing EX: letter
Plural Nouns: Noun that names more than one person, place, or thing. Use “s” or “es” to form plural nouns EX: letters, boxes
Make the following nouns plural: box fish desk crayon fox wall child goose sheep boxes fish desks crayons foxes walls children geese sheep
Possessive Nouns: Nouns that show ownership Form a possessive noun by adding ‘s or s’ EX: The boy’s game. The girls’ braclets.
Find the possessive noun in the sentence & identify what it owns: 1. Darrell’s sweater was thrown on the floor. 2. The dog’s collar was blue. 3. The cats’ bowls are empty.
Collective Nouns: Name a group of people or things EX: family, team, company
Compound Nouns: Noun that is made up of two or more words that act as a single noun EX: mother-in-law, cupful, living room
Label the following nouns collective or compound: company wheelchair runner-up make-up team tall tale crew club group artwork collective compound collective
Appositives: Word or group of words that immediately follows a noun and identifies or explains it. EX: Bingo, my dog, loves to play fetch.
Find the appositive in the sentence & identify what it renames: 1. Sarah, my friend, loves to ride her bike The Hobbit, my favorite book, is written by J.R. Tolken. 3. Christmas and my birthday both occur in December, my favorite month of the year.