Line, Form, Depth, and Space. Types of Line n Line provides structure and shape in an arrangement n Line expresses mood & feeling n Types of lines: –actual.


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Presentation transcript:

Line, Form, Depth, and Space

Types of Line n Line provides structure and shape in an arrangement n Line expresses mood & feeling n Types of lines: –actual line –implied line –psychic lines

Actual Lines n Plain to see n The eye follows a real line existing in the design n Foliage and flowers can provide an actual line; so can containers and accessories n Set up the skeleton of the design

Implied Line n No line actually exists n Created by a series of repeated elements

Psychic Line n Does not exist as actual lines or even repetition of materials n Created by placing flowers in a way that directs the eye n Directional facing: term used to describe placing flowers in a way to create line

Line Direction n Direction of lines in a design express certain feelings n 4 patterns of line direction –vertical –horizontal –diagonal –curved

Vertical Line n Stresses height, power, strength n Causes continuous movement of the eye from focal point to the top edge and back to focal point

Horizontal Line n Stresses width instead of height n Implies restfulness and stability n Provides eye movement at a slow and leisurely pace

Diagonal Line n Suggests motion and excitement n Too many diagonal lines can be busy and confusing

Curved Line n Suggests motion in a soft and comforting way n Adds interest and gentleness to a design

Form n Refers to the 3D aspect of an object n Also known as shape n The form of the container, flowers, and foliage in a design must be harmonious

Space n Area that containers and flowers occupy is positive space n Area between forms in an arrangement is negative space n A void connects one area of positive space to another n Space is necessary to keep the flowers from looking cramped

Depth n Depth in arrangements is important to keep from creating a 2D effect n Achieved by angling stems, overlapping, size differences, and color

Angling Stems n Exaggeration of stem angles provides depth n Tallest background stems are angled backwards while front stems are angled down in front of the container

Overlapping n Slight overlapping of flowers enhances depth n Varying height, width, and depth of flowers creates a natural appearance

Size n Large flowers should be arranged low and toward the front in a design n Smaller flowers should be placed toward the back n Gradual transition from large to small is important

Color and Value n Bright and dark colors should be placed low and in the front n Move toward lighter and duller colors in the back