Introduction: India has the largest child population in the world Census, there are 342 million children in India. NGO’s estimate 44 to 100 million Children have been engaged in labour force.
Strengthening the Community based organizations like; Village grievance cell Village advocacy cell Village watch dog committee
Convergent Village Development Committee (CVDC) PTAs in Schools Self Help Groups Youth groups Child protection committee
Children Parliament Supportive groups (Bus stands, Railway stations) Volunteers in operational areas.
Village profile and mapping to monitor the potential drop outs, orphan children, children with conflict situation and women headed families. Identification of industries employing children and child laborers by way of monitoring with keen observation.
Mass awareness on child laborers issues through rallies, human chain, convention, cultural yatra, street theaters, folk arts, Short films and making use of other means of media. Campaign and advocacy with concern government departments and local Governance and legislative elected members.
Rescue of identified child laborers Net work with concern Government departments to rescue the child labor (Domestic, Hotels, Workshops, Silver Chains, Bricks Champers, Agricultural Sectors, Textiles, Industrial Sectors and other hazardous places where children are being employed)
Rehabilitation & Reformation
Family counseling Create Child friendly ambient in families and schools. Provision of formal and non formal education with necessary shelter & educational materials.
Life skill program for children Camps and trainings for children and parents Availing the Government welfare schemes Legal Support to the rescued child laborers.
“Many of the things we need can wait, the Children can not.” To them we cannot answer ‘Tomorrow’, child’s name is “To-day”
“ For you I study, for you I work, for you I am ready to do any thing even to give my life” - Don Bosco