WELCOME TO FIRST GRADE!! My name is Mrs. Ortiz and I am your child’s teacher this year. I am looking forward to working with you and your children this year. I know we are going to have a great year in first grade! If you would ever like to reach me, you can contact me at school. The office number is
DAILY SCHEDULE 8:10 -8:25 Daily oral language and Daily Math warm up. 8:25-9:30 Reading groups and center rotation. 9:30-9:45 Recess 9:45-10:25 Reading groups and center rotation continued. 10:25-11:00 Houghton Mifflin 11:00-11:50 Lunch and recess. 11:50-12:10 Read aloud/ calendar 12:10-1:00 Number talks/ math 1:00-1:40 Writing/ RIRA 1:40-2:00 PE 2:00-2:20 ELD 2:20 Dismissal
IMPORTANT THINGS TO REMEMBER: HOMEWORK POLICY: Homework is designed to reinforce concepts we have learned in class and give your child extra practice.Homework is sent home on Monday and is due on Friday. If your child is absent on Friday, please return the homework on the following Monday. If homework isn’t turned in or incomplete, your child will miss recess. I am recording homework completion on a chart. Homework completion is reflected on the report card. DISCIPLINE POLICY: On the board your child has a magnet with their name on it. Each child starts the day in the ”Good Student” area. If their behavior and effort are excellent, they get to move their magnet to the “Model Student” area. If their behavior is undesirable, they will move their magnet in the “Non-Model” area. The consequence for having their magnet in the “Non-Model” area is recess on the wall. If your child continually exhibits non-model behavior a call will be made home.
BOOK BAGS Book bags: Please remind our student to read the books in their book bag every night. After your child reads, please write the title of the book on the Viking Reading Log. The Viking Reading Log is part of your child’s homework. It is very important that your child reads at night every night!! The book bag needs to be returned every day for reading groups.
FIELD TRIPS, FUNDRAISING, AND VOLUNTEERING If you’d like to be a chaperone on our field trips or volunteer in the classroom you need to fill out the parents volunteer packet. It is a process that takes time and needs to be completed before you can be a chaperone. Please contact the office to set up an appointment to get this started.
ABSENCES AND TARDIES If your child is absent from school, please send a note to school explaining the reason for the absence. You may also call the office and clear your child’s absence. Please have your child at school before the tardy bell rings at 8:15.
I am looking forward to a great year with your child!! It is so exciting to witness tremendous growth that they will go through. Please remember if you ever need to speak to me, call me at Thank you, Mrs. Ortiz