Plague Black Death Black Plague Bubonic Plague Pestilence The Great Plague
Three Types of Plague Bubonic Plague Pneumonic Plague Septicemia Plague (blood infection)
Bubonic Plague Caused by bacteria: Yersinia pestis Carried by fleas – that live on rodents - often rats (can be dogs, cats, squirrels, etc.) During the 1300’s; One quarter of the population of Europe died. Mortality = 30-75%
Pneumonic Plague Caused by bacteria: Less common than Bubonic plague Yersinia pestis Less common than Bubonic plague Most victims die Mortality 90-95% Infects the lungs “Sheepshearer’s Disease”
Septicemia Plague Rarest of all plagues Mortality near 100% Even today no treatment “DIC” = disseminated intravascular coagulation
Septicemia Victim
Bubonic Plague Victim Bubo = tender swollen area, often in the groin area or in the armpit. Also appears in area where flea has bitten victim “Bubo”
The Black Death Victim recovering from Bubonic Plague At one time his entire body was black
Black Death Victim Same victim Toes have gangrene Probably will have to be amputated
Mammalian Victim Pneumonic plague Rock squirrel in Colorado Coughing up sputum from pneumonic plague
Death Toll Most historians agree that the Black Death killed between 30-45% of the European population between 1348 & 1350 25 million people died between 1347 & 1352
CCR5 gene – Delta 32 Mutation Located on Chromosome 3 Some people inherit one or two of these Dd or dd Heterozygous or Homozygous Recessive Provided resistance against the plague Now provides resistance against HIV
CCR5 codes for White Blood Cell
CCR5 Mutation % Europe
CCR5 Mutation = World
News of the Week … Bubonic Plague In 2015? Madagascar's Current Plague More Virulent Than Strain From Dark Ages Jan 28, 2015 03:53 PM By Dana Dov No, you did not misread the headline to this story. Not only does the bubonic plague still exist, but it’s infected hundreds of individuals on the island of Madagascar, off the coast of Africa. In fact, this is nearly an annual occurrence for the island nation. Unlike the plague of the past, however, this form is not only harder to contain but can kill nearly 24 hours after initial exposure.
Secrets of the Dead: Black Plague
Black Plague Kristie Kazimir and Alex Bester