Taxonomy and Classification Elizabeth Stacy. Overview Taxonomy: science of classifying living things. Taxonomy is used for: organizing information, and.


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Presentation transcript:

Taxonomy and Classification Elizabeth Stacy

Overview Taxonomy: science of classifying living things. Taxonomy is used for: organizing information, and identifying new species.

Classifications Animals are classified from least specific Kingdom to the really specific Species. Organisms are classified by their appearance, and symmetry.

Pneumonic Device Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Kings Play Chess On Fat Green Stools A pneumonic device is a way to remember important facts

Dichotomous Key This is s method for determining the identity of some organisms by going through changes that lead to the specific item

What is taxonomy used for? What is taxonomy used for? A. Identifying new species B. Both A and C C. Organization

Which is the most specific? A. Genus B. Phylum C. Kingdom

What are organisms classified by? A. Their appearances B. Their symmetry C. Both A and B

What is a dichotomous keyused for? A. Determining the definition of biology B. Remembering important facts C. Determining the identity of organisms

Answer Key Question 1. B Question 2. A Question 3. C Question 4. B

Citations Dichotomous+Key Classification/00%20Classification%20Packet-- WHOLE.htm xonomy.htm