300keV emittances February 1, 2014. Scan 140201_1835 FC0=1.13E-04 [A] Collimator=7.50E-06 [A] DF=1% Peak current = 100 [μA] RF = -11.54 [dB] Power = 30.


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Presentation transcript:

300keV emittances February 1, 2014

Scan _1835 FC0=1.13E-04 [A] Collimator=7.50E-06 [A] DF=1% Peak current = 100 [μA] RF = [dB] Power = 30 [W] 2x = 5.49 [mm] 2x’=7.73 [mrad] 4ε rms =24 [μm]

Scan _1900 FC0=1.22E-03 [A] Collimator=7.94E-05 [A] DF=10% Peak current = 100 [μA] RF = [dB] BIAS PS Current = 1.789mA Power = 300 [W] 2x = 5.81 [mm] 2x’=7.99 [mrad] 4ε rms =29.8 [μm]

Scan _1925 FC0=2.37E-03 [A] Collimator=1.50E-04 [A] DF=20% Peak current = 100 [μA] RF = [dB] BIAS PS Current = 3.24 [mA] Power = 726 [W] 2x = 6.33 [mm] 2x’=8.06 [mrad] 4ε rms =33.8 [μm]