First Meeting Listening Comprehension
Listening 1
Choose the best answer 1. I like to ____________ in the _________ with my ________. A. hiking B. running C. driving 2. My dad _______________ twice a week. A. weight lifting B. swimming C. basketball 3. He ____________________________________ to get exercise. A. bicycling B. soccer C. volleyball
4. She usually uses ___________________________________. A. pottery B. knitting C. painting 5. They went to the lake ______________________________. A. sailing B. bird watching C. fishing 6. How about getting out the board _____________________? A. snowboarding B. skating C. chess
7. ____________________________________________. A. baseball B. racketball C. golf 8. ____________________________________________. A. gardening B. art C. cooking 9. ____________________________________________. A. writing B. music C. reading 10. ____________________________________________. A. drawing B. photography C. computer games
Listening 2
Answer these simple questions: 1.What is his favourite sport? a. tennis b. football c. rugby d. cycling 2. Which sport does he hate? a. tennis b. football c. rugby d. cycling
3. Which other activity does he like? A. walking b. horse-riding c. going to supermarkets d. going to the pictures 4. Which other activity does he dislike? a. cycling b. horse-riding c. going to supermarkets d. going to the pictures
Listening 3
Listen to the English audio passage that includes expressions for hobbies and answer the questions below 1.What is John's main passion? 2.John is a _____________ buff. 3.John is an _____________ because he likes to hike and camp. 4.John is also a ____________ because he does things to help the community and children.
5. What does Dave like to play all day? 6. Dave is a Call of Duty _____________. He loves the game and plays it too much. 7. Dave will sometimes _____________ around with his dad's wood workiong tools. 8. With Dave one can sit around and do the ___________ thing