Metaphors Students will define and recognize metaphors. Students will write poems using metaphors. Materials
How and Why writers use Metaphors and how readers interpret them.
What is a Metaphor 26.htmIhttp:// 26.htmI bin/dictionary?va=metaphorhttp:// bin/dictionary?va=metaphor
Instructional slide d/harrisms/1poe.htm d/harrisms/1poe.htm Define metaphor. The metaphor is first cousin to the simile. Like the simile, it compares two objects but does not use like or as or than. Simile: Her cheeks are like polished apples. Metaphor: Her cheeks are polished apples.
Student Activity Ask students to write a metaphor for their own family. Distribute Sample Metaphor Poems or read them to the students.Sample Metaphor Poems Have students brainstorm for a list of units on the blackboard. For example, groceries, dishes, silverware, drawers, clothes, tools, chairs, furniture, books, buildings, closets, shoes or boots, windows. Drafting:for student time – could also post useful chart
Share Following the presentations, the students will write a paragraph on their experience drawing their metaphors and also a description of their metaphors. Tell the students to think of their own metaphors and write another paragraph explaining what they think their new metaphor means according to the proper English language. When everyone is done with their paragraphs, they will be paired up with a partner to describe their metaphors and to revise them accordingly. Some interpretations might be different, but the ideal meanings of the metaphors should be stated and written in the students’ paragraphs. This activity will promote social interaction as indicated in standard 4. Write instructions for share/reflection or lesson summary
Share Revising and Presenting: Confer individually with students. When all students have completed the poem and have written a final draft on unlined paper, have them take turns or volunteer to read aloud before turning in a final copy. Excerpted from Writing Process Activities Kit.
Additional Resources S shtmlhttp:// S shtml These sites explain how to use similes and metaphors to improve your writing. There are many examples plus interactive quizzes and classroom activity ideas. Includes links to eThemes Resources on personification and other forms of figurative language
Standards ELA2.I.SW2CStudents write stories, poems, literary essays, and plays that observe the conventions of the genre and contain interesting and effective language and voice.Key IdeaELA2.I.SW2C ELA3.SW2: Speaking and writing for critical analysis and evaluation requires presenting opinions and judgments on experiences, ideas, information, and issues clearly, logically, and persuasively with reference to specific criteria on which the opinion or judgment is based.