Unit 3 Lesson 7 Sections 22.4 FDR & The 1932 Election
Objectives Review causes and impacts of 1929 stock market crash Analyze and Compare Hoover’s plans to end the Depression to FDR’s Identify who’s plan was more effective Explain why FDR was elected President in Analyze a statement made by FDR in his inaugural address
Warm Up Identify three causes of the 1929 stock market crash & ensuing depression. Overproduction Speculation Drop in value of shares Massive selling
Review How did the crash affect the average American? Co. productivity & wages dropped=lay-offs (25% unemployment ~12m ppl) Lost savings in stocks & banks Impact urban life? Shantytown, soup kitchens/bread lines, discrimination Impact rural life? Foreclosure, unemployment, destroy products, Dust Bowl view/assetGuid/540B8FF7-A85C-4B07- A4B8-9F69B2E106E9 view/assetGuid/540B8FF7-A85C-4B07- A4B8-9F69B2E106E9 How did Americans deal? Family, helping each other, humor/radio/entertainme nt/games Flee (ride rails), radical mvmts
Hoover What efforts did Hoover take to end the Depression? Step1: Normal business cycle – work itself out Asked business leaders to maintain wages Step 2: RFC – aid to industries & banks State & local govts provide aid for people 1930 – Dem’s win Congressional elections Hoover’s popularity drops even further (Bonus Army)
Hoover vs FDR On Ending the Depression Read the passages on Hoover and FDR’s view of the government in small groups aloud Then contemplate whom you agree with and why Afterwards discuss with you group
Election 1932 ( R) Herbert Hoover vs. (D) Franklin Delano Roosevelt “FDR” NY Gov “A new deal for America” FDR Landslide 57% popular vote 472 – 59 (All but 6 states) FDR and New Deal Part 1 Show first 7 min.
FDR’s New Deal th Amend Inauguration moved 3/4 to 1/20 Economy tanks “Brain Trust” Professors Cabinet
Activity: Quote Analysis Working with the person next to you reflect on this quote by FDR. What do you think he means? Why? “So first of all let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
Closure Why did Americans vote so overwhelmingly for a “New Deal” in 1932?