Our approach to Lean Sally Keill, Jim Wilson Morgan Sindall
What is Perfect Delivery? A Continuous Business Improvement strategy Based on evaluation of feedback from our Customers Our philosophy
Perfect Delivery Customer’s needs MeasureReportImprove
Perfect Delivery To provide focus to our philosophy, our customers have identified five tangible measures, which we call our Customer Commitments:
Perfect Delivery - where it came from..
Perfect Delivery = Lean Our Perfect Delivery philosophy helps us achieve Lean Lean is a philosophy Lean has a focus on culture and ‘perfection’ Lean uses performance data to drive improvement Perfect Delivery captures performance Lean tools and techniques help to add value for our customers.
Perfect Delivery = Lean Lean Committee led by our Perfect Delivery Director, Rob Frank 2 day Lean Foundation training 1 day ‘on site’ training Ad-hoc collaborative planning workshops Lean Practitioner and Master Practitioner training
How do we know if we’ve achieved Perfect Delivery? - our customers tell us Aviation Rail
Perfect Delivery measurement Identify Customer key objectives Construction phase Project reaches Practical Completion Perfect Delivery sign off Customer Experience Questionnaire Reported in monthly board reports Reported accounts Business Unit % achieved Perfect Delivery
Recognition and Reward
Benefits Long Term Job Security Recommendation & Repeat Business Improved Working Relationships Recognition and Pride WORLD CLASS Delighted Customers Attracting & Retaining Talented People. Improved Financial Performance
Q & A Sally Keill, Jim Wilson Morgan Sindall