DOSAR Workshop III, OU P. Skubic DOSAR Workshop III Goals and Organization P. Skubic OU
DOSAR Workshop III, OU P. Skubic DOSAR Workshop II Action Items Completed PR: Publish Article in Grid Newsletter –Pat, Jae, Dick, Sergio, Breese Meet with R. Pordes (before Aug.) –Pat, Dick, Joel, Breese Presentations at OSG Workshops –CERN Horst, Sergio –Seattle Horst, Pat, Joel, Breese
DOSAR Workshop III, OU P. Skubic DOSAR Workshop II Action Items Completed (con’t) Integration Test Bed –UTA, OU OSG SAMgrid station –OUHEP cluster *Register Resources as DOSAR –Joel, Horst
DOSAR Workshop III, OU P. Skubic Workshop III Organization World Grids and their Framework and Infrastructure Grid Software Development Efforts Lunch- Car pool to Campus Corner 2:00pm - Site Progress Reports 6:00pm - Dinner - Benvenuti’s Restaurant –105 W. Main Street Friday- Future Goals
DOSAR Workshop III, OU P. Skubic Workshop III Goals Develop OSG Statement of Work –High Availability Grid Computing (LTU) –Bring other Fields into OSG Identify Overlap in Needs and Use → Initiate Joint Effort Use DOSAR VO and CONDOR Pool Develop Plan to Expand Grid –State-wide (Joel) Schedule Resources Needed –Region-wide (Discussion) Teragrid Peta-scale Data transfer and storage Identify and Remove Road-Blocks