Infectious Disease
Pathogens (Germs) A virus, microorganism or another agent that causes disease
Types of Pathogens Virus: invades body cells, virus reproduce and break open the cell with virus moving on to other cells to repeat the process…smallest and most numerous Bacteria: produces infection causing poisonous waste Fungus: attach to body cells causing damage and robbing them of their nutrients Fungus growth
How the flu spreads! Flu Virus FVirus What happenshappens
Infectious diseases spread through two types of contact Direct Contact Indirect Contact
Direct Contact Person to person – shaking hands, touching, etc….. Animal to person – bites or stings Mother to unborn child
Indirect contact inanimate objects…doorknobs, faucet handle, table tops Water Air Food-temperature (under-cooked or unwashed foods)
Methods to prevent spread of germs Wash your hands frequently Get vaccinated (VIRUS) What is in a vaccine? Use antibiotics sensibly (Fungus-bacteria) Stay home if signs and symptoms of infection Be smart when preparing food
Methods to prevent spread of germs Keep Hot zones in home clean – areas with concentration of bacteria – bathrooms and kitchen Don’t share personal items- toothbrush,hair brush, razor
Flu virus Image Swine flu virus
Body Defenses Blood Antibodies – white blood cells Skin
Anti-biotics Antibiotics are the first line of defense against many infections overusing or misusing antibiotics can cause more harm than good.
Antibiotic concerns Strains of bacteria can mutate (change) and, over time, become resistant to a specific antibiotic. The chance of this increases if a person does not finish the course of antibiotics as some bacteria may be left to develop resistance.
Antibiotics are only effective against bacterial infections certain fungal infections some kinds of parasites Most infections result from either bacteria or viruses.
Use of Antibiotics Antibiotics can't help you if a virus is responsible for your illness
Symptoms of strep throat Strep caused by Virus or bacteria? Anatomy of a sore throat