Bluff Road is a Four-Part Violation of the Coastal Act
Bluff Road Four lanes 57,000 cars/day
Bluff Road 1 st Leg
Bluff Road 2 nd Leg
Bluff Road Documented Burrowing Owl in direct path of Bluff Road
Bluff Road 3 rd Leg
Approximate locations of one documented (1) and twelve potential (2-13) vernal pools on middle mesa (symbols not to scale with respect to size of potential vernal pool)
Looking towards East. Costa Mesa in background.
Potential vernal pool #8 in foreground; #9 in background
Area in blue represents documented vernal pools and potential vernal pools on middle mesa
Bluff Road 4 th Leg
This proposed extension of Bluff Road clearly traverses EHSA that even the owners of Banning Ranch admit to.
Bluff Road is a Four-Part Violation of the Coastal Act
There are alternatives to building the Banning Ranch entrance road (1 st leg of Bluff Road) for Sunset Ridge Park Many, many alternatives were offered in the draft EIR public comments
There is a chronically under-utilized public parking lot right across the street Sunset Ridge
Caltrans deed restriction on paved roads can be re-negotiated
The public supports an alternative to the Banning Ranch entrance road By a 3:1 margin, speakers at the 3/23/10 council hearing urged the NB council to build the Sunset Ridge Park, but with an alternative entrance
Bluff Road is not needed! Newport Beach has prospered without it.