Freedom and Democracy: Law and Order
Relationship between freedom and democracy in a democracy people have freedom of __________________________________ if these freedoms are not preserved, democracy will fall into the hands of the _______________ (page 104 Ideologies) freedoms _____________ be preserved by _______________ them
Need for order despite the need for freedom in a democracy there is a need for ________ we are restricted by our ______________ __________________________________ freedom to do what one wants does not mean one has the freedom to _________ _______________
Obligation to obey the law ____________ in a democracy is not justified - alternative solution is to solve problems through ____________ means citizens ________obey laws because there is no guarantee that they will only disobey unjust laws - ________________ ___________________
Right to disobey the law ________________ as a norm not condoned, but justifiable sometimes when the law is wrong
Police Powers In A Democracy problem of striking a ____________ between allowing individuals to have their __________ and giving the police the power to exercise ______________ freedom - police have no right to break laws in order to catch criminals except in the case of the ______________ in 1976 (War Measures Act – martial law)
no one, ___________________________, is above the law _________________ - crooks are getting off scott-free on technicalities how can the police capture dirty rotten crooks unless they adopt dirty rotten tactics?