1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, 2007 Microquasars as seen with SIMBOL-X J. Rodriguez (CEA/SAp & AIM; France)
1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, 2007 Hard X-rays >10 keV: -Inverse Compton, thermal vs non thermal -Non-thermal emission, jet corona, reflection soft X-rays ~1keV-10 keV: -Thermal emission, disc -Iron complex (lines, edge) soft X-rays ~1keV-10 keV: -Thermal emission, disc -Iron complex (lines, edge) Self absorbed or not synchrotron emission: very long -> infra red/Optical } Ultra soft X-rays keV: absorption, local conditions, circumstellar material
1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, Years of RXTE Evolution along the outburst (mainly disc, iron, corona (but only Short term (>16s) evolution=> disc, Phase spectroscopy and link Fe QPO Remillard et al. ‘06 Rodriguez et al. ‘02 Miller & Homan ‘06
1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, 2007 Where do we stand? Spectral evolution between states: LS->HIMS->SIMS->SS Hysteresis: extra parameter to dm/dt needed Connection with radio behaviour (the jet line) The fundamental plane: X-ray/radio correlation in LS Tight connection with temporal behaviour => The Q-shaped pattern Belloni, Fender, et al. BH knowledge greatly increased, especially behaviour of disc, but still lacks understanding of the so-called corona and drivers of state changes
1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, 2007 Some (key) questions Interplay between spectral components Emitting process(es) at high energies Connection with jets Iron complex : reflection, and also a probe of the metric close to the BH => Need for high sensitivity, good spatial and spectral resolution, broad band coverage, high time resolution (D. Barret’s talk)
1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, 2007 Bright BH in outburst (1) E.g. XTE J : In soft state, not detected with HEXTE > 20 keV (Sobczak et al. ‘00) N H = 0.907± cm - 2 kT = 0.759±0.001 keV = 2.50±0.03 Line= 6.6 ±0.1 keV dof) N H = 0.91± cm -2 kT = 0.760±0.003 keV = 2.6±0.1 dof) 1 ks => good determination of the spectrum up to ~80 keV, and precise estimate of all parameters 100s => good spectrum up to ~80 keV, main parameters well constrained
1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, 2007 Bright BH in outburst (2) E.g. XTE J : In hard state, power law and cut off (Rodriguez et al. ‘03) FTEST gives 3e-18 chance improvement for the inclusion of the cut-off N H = 0.88± cm -2 E cut = keV E fold = keV = 1.48±0.01 1.03 (295 dof) 100 s spectra Extension beyond 80 keV?
1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, 2007 Why do we need short times in bright BHs? Each blue point = 1 day Each arrow = a few ks obs What happens in between? E.g when do ejections occur? In ~12 ks : 2 sequences of correlated X-ray radio behaviour: short times => constraints on the physics triggering the ejection GRS
1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, 2007 Short times: the 1915 case F TEST => 5e-20 chance F TEST => 2e-11 chance 1s accumulation !!
1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, 2007 Accretion-ejection links today With e.g. INTEGRAL integration of few hundreds of sec => averaging of spectra to get decent SNR R. et al. ‘06 => spike = trigger of ejection, ejected material is corona BUT low statistics >25 keV and accumulation over several 10s of seconds
1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, 2007 Accretion-ejection links with SIMBOL-X Method: follow the evolution of spectral parameters along the sequence on s time scale Aim: identify the real trigger of ejection, confirm the origin of the ejected material, understand how ejections take place (the disk-corona-jet connection) Advantage of SX: the keV at 1s resolution… never done so far => tight constraints on corona kT=1.48 ± 0.09 keV Rin= 380 ± 60 km = 2.8 ± 0.4 F keV disk~F keV plF keV disk~10 * F keV pl kT=1.74 ± 0.07 keV Rin= km = 2.1 ± 1.2 => What happens between both : formation of the jet in X-rays
1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, 2007 External Galaxies: LMC Typical LHS, ~10 37 erg/s (~ erg/s/cm 2 ), powerlaw and cut-off, 10 ks observation N H = 0.063± cm - 2 Ecut = 27.7±1.2 keV = 1.47±0.01 dof) Physics of outburst evolution => do source behave the same? Disc-corona connection in LMC, the Q shape?
1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, 2007 LMC: Physical models Comptt and reflection: 10 ks, kT inj =0.2 keV, kT e =67 keV, rel ref l=0.25 Comptt alone not satisfactory N H = 0.05± cm -2 Rel ref = 0.22 ± 0.06 kT inj = keV kT e = keV = 2.2±0.2 dof) F TEST => 8e-9 chance
1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, 2007 External Galaxies: M 33 Typical LHS, ~10 37 erg/s (~ erg/s/cm 2 ), powerlaw and cut-off, 10 ks 795 kpc, 50 ks flux ( keV)=2.6e-13 erg/s/cm2 N H = 0.05± cm -2 Ecut = keV = 1.5±0.1 dof) F TEST => 5e-5 chance NEVER BEEN OBSERVED
1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, 2007 Quiescent microquasars erg/cm 2 /s kpc =>early and late stages of outbursts, evolution of corona, connection with disc, jets, reflection component erg/cm 2 /s kpc broad band spectra of quiescent sources behaviour of >10 keV emission for the 1 st time: –physics of low luminosity accretion: physical properties of plasma, ADAF,.. –study of populations of hard quiescence vs. soft quiescence (Corbel et al. ‘05) Valid for all transient sources of the Galaxy (~40 BH(C)s, + transient NSs) => ¿ a criterion to distinguish NS and BH based on quiescent spectra ?
1 st SIMBOL-X workshop, Bologna, May 14-16, 2007 To summarise Bright sources –Better characterisation of hard X-rays in Soft States => better estimate the disc parameters, identification “true” disc (e.g. Mc Clintock et al. ‘06 vs. Middleton et al. ‘06) => measure of BH spin –Spectral monitoring of GRS like object on s time scale Formation of jets in the X-rays Approach of disc and ejection of corona, does one cause the other ? Quiescent microquasars –Behaviour of >10 keV emission Better constraints on the physics of low luminosity accretion Study of source population: hard vs soft quiescence External Galaxies –Non biased study of source populations Transient sources low luminosity hard state BHs Characterisation up to quite high distance (~1 Mpc) –Physical properties of extragalactic microquasars: Do they behave the same? study of the Q-shape (spectral transitions) pattern Physics of corona, reflection in external galaxies