1 Overview Divide and Conquer Merge Sort Quick Sort
2 Divide and Conquer 1.Base Case, solve the problem directly if it is small enough 2.Divide the problem into two or more similar and smaller subproblems 3.Recursively solve the subproblems 4.Combine solutions to the subproblems
3 Divide and Conquer - Sort Problem: Input: A[left..right] – unsorted array of integers Output: A[left..right] – sorted in non-decreasing order
4 Divide and Conquer - Sort 1. Base case at most one element (left ≥ right), return 2. Divide A into two subarrays: FirstPart, SecondPart Two Subproblems: sort the FirstPart sort the SecondPart 3. Recursively sort FirstPart sort SecondPart 4. Combine sorted FirstPart and sorted SecondPart
5 Overview Divide and Conquer Merge Sort Quick Sort
6 Merge Sort: Idea Merge Recursively sort Divide into two halves FirstPart SecondPart FirstPart SecondPart A A is sorted!
7 Merge Sort: Algorithm Merge-Sort (A, left, right) if left ≥ right return else middle ← b (left+right)/2 Merge-Sort(A, left, middle) Merge-Sort(A, middle+1, right) Merge(A, left, middle, right) Recursive Call
8 A[middle] A[left] Sorted FirstPart Sorted SecondPart Merge-Sort: Merge A[right] merge A: A: Sorted
L:R: Temporary Arrays Merge-Sort: Merge Example A:
10 Merge-Sort: Merge Example L: A: R: i=0 j=0 k=
11 Merge-Sort: Merge Example L: A: R: k= i=0 j=1
12 Merge-Sort: Merge Example L: A: R: i=1 k= j=1
13 Merge-Sort: Merge Example L: A: R: i=2 j=1 k=
14 Merge-Sort: Merge Example L: A: R: j=2 k= i=2 5
15 Merge-Sort: Merge Example L: A: R: i=2 j=3 k=
16 Merge-Sort: Merge Example L: A: R: k= i=2 j=4
17 Merge-Sort: Merge Example L: A: R: i=3 j=4 k=7
18 Merge-Sort: Merge Example L: A: R: i=4 j=4 k=8
19 Merge(A, left, middle, right) 1. n 1 ← middle – left n 2 ← right – middle 3. create array L[n 1 ], R[n 2 ] 4. for i ← 0 to n 1 -1 do L[i] ← A[left +i] 5. for j ← 0 to n 2 -1 do R[j] ← A[middle+j] 6. k ← i ← j ← 0 7. while i < n 1 & j < n 2 8. if L[i] < R[j] 9. A[k++] ← L[i++] 10. else 11. A[k++] ← R[j++] 12. while i < n A[k++] ← L[i++] 14. while j < n A[k++] ← R[j++] n = n 1 +n 2 Space: n Time : cn for some constant c
Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7) Divide A:
Merge-Sort(A, 0, 3), divide A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge-Sort(A, 0, 1), divide A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge-Sort(A, 0, 0), base case A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge-Sort(A, 0, 0), return A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge-Sort(A, 1, 1), base case A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge-Sort(A, 1, 1), return A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge(A, 0, 0, 1) A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge-Sort(A, 0, 1), return A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge-Sort(A, 2, 3) 4 8, divide A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge-Sort(A, 2, 2), base case A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge-Sort(A, 2, 2), return A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge-Sort(A, 3, 3), base case A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge-Sort(A, 3, 3), return A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge(A, 2, 2, 3) A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge-Sort(A, 2, 3), return A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge(A, 0, 1, 3) A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge-Sort(A, 0, 3), return A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge-Sort(A, 4, 7) A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
A: Merge (A, 4, 5, 7) Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge-Sort(A, 4, 7), return A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7)
Merge(A, 0, 3, 7) A: Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7) Merge-Sort(A, 0, 7), done!
42 Merge-Sort Analysis cn 2 × cn/2 = cn 4 × cn/4 = cn n/2 × 2c = cn log n levels Total running time: (nlogn) Total Space: (n) Total: cn log n n n/2 n/
43 Merge-Sort Summary Approach: divide and conquer Time Most of the work is in the merging Total time: (n log n) Space: (n), more space than other sorts.
44 Overview Divide and Conquer Merge Sort Quick Sort
45 Quick Sort Divide: Pick any element p as the pivot, e.g, the first element Partition the remaining elements into FirstPart, which contains all elements < p SecondPart, which contains all elements ≥ p Recursively sort the FirstPart and SecondPart Combine: no work is necessary since sorting is done in place
46 Quick Sort x < p p p ≤ x Partition FirstPart SecondPart p pivot A: Recursive call x < p p p ≤ x Sorted FirstPart Sorted SecondPart Sorted
47 Quick Sort Quick-Sort(A, left, right) if left ≥ right return else middle ← Partition(A, left, right) Quick-Sort(A, left, middle–1 ) Quick-Sort(A, middle+1, right) end if
48 Partition p p x < pp ≤ x p x < p A: A: A: p
49 Partition ExampleA:
50 Partition ExampleA: i=0 j=1
51 Partition ExampleA: j= i=0 8
52 Partition ExampleA: i=0 j=2
53 Partition ExampleA: i= j=3i=1
54 Partition ExampleA: i=1 5 j=4
55 Partition ExampleA: i=1 1 j=5
56 Partition ExampleA: i=2 16 j=5
57 Partition ExampleA: i= j=6
58 Partition ExampleA: i= i=3j=7
59 Partition ExampleA: i=3 15 j=8
60 Partition ExampleA: 41678i=
61 A: x < 4 4 ≤ x pivot in correct position Partition Example
62 Partition(A, left, right) 1. x ← A[left] 2. i ← left 3. for j ← left+1 to right 4. if A[j] < x then 5. i ← i swap(A[i], A[j]) 7. end if 8. end for j 9. swap(A[i], A[left]) 10. return i n = right – left +1 Time: cn for some constant c Space: constant
Quick-Sort(A, 0, 7) Partition A:
Quick-Sort(A, 0, 7) Quick-Sort(A, 0, 2) A:, partition
Quick-Sort(A, 0, 7) Quick-Sort(A, 0, 0), base case, return
Quick-Sort(A, 0, 7) Quick-Sort(A, 1, 1), base case
Quick-Sort(A, 0, 7) Quick-Sort(A, 2, 2), return Quick-Sort(A, 0, 2), return
Quick-Sort(A, 0, 7) Quick-Sort(A, 2, 2), return Quick-Sort(A, 4, 7), partition
Quick-Sort(A, 0, 7) Quick-Sort(A, 5, 7), partition
Quick-Sort(A, 0, 7) Quick-Sort(A, 6, 7), partition
Quick-Sort(A, 0, 7) Quick-Sort(A, 7, 7) 8, return, base case 8
Quick-Sort(A, 0, 7) Quick-Sort(A, 6, 7), return
Quick-Sort(A, 0, 7) Quick-Sort(A, 5, 7), return 6 8 7
Quick-Sort(A, 0, 7) Quick-Sort(A, 4, 7), return
Quick-Sort(A, 0, 7), done!