GREAT DEPRESSION NARRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS: You are must select at least one of the following photographs taken during the Great Depression and write a background narrative to the picture. In other words, you are creating a fictional background story to the photograph. You must creatively use your knowledge of this time period to explain what has occurred in the photograph that you choose. Give the individuals in the photos names and describe how the Depression has effected them. What circumstances have led them into poverty. What do they have to do in order to survive, etc. Your characters can be Stock Brokers, Dust Bowl farmers, Okies headed to California, Laid-off factory workers, Train hoboes (the wild boys of the road), bankers, etc. This can be written as a personal journal or as a third person narrator. Be creative, there are very few limitations. REQUIREMENTS: 1) At least 2-3 paragraphs in length 2) Can be typed or hand written 3) Must creatively incorporate information that we have learned in class about the causes and social effects of the Great Depression 4) Heading must include the photograph number(#), or the photograph itself.
Photo #1
Photo #2
Photo #3
Photo #4
Photo #5
Photo #6
Photo #7
Photo #8
Photo #9
Photo #10
Photo #11
Photo #12
Photo #13
Photo #14
Photo #15
Photo #16
Photo #17
Photo #18
Photo #19
Photo #20