Pluto By: Manel Bazzi and Sommer Mouhajer
The orbit length of Pluto is six days and nine hours.
Pluto’s diameter is two thousand three hundred km.
Pluto’s distance from the sun is five million,nine hundred.
The minimum and maximum surface of Pluto’s temperatures is freezing.
There have been no visitors on Pluto.
Pluto has three different satellites.
Pluto has a thin line of gas.That’s the distinguishing of Pluto.
6.4 hours is a day on Pluto.
Pluto is made out of rock and frozen nitrogen ice. Also Pluto’s atmosphere is roughly 90% of Nitrogen and 10% other complex molecules such as methane.
The color of Pluto is silver and it has a little touch of blue.
Interesting Facts Pluto has two additional moons called Hydra and Nix were discovered in 2005.
Pluto was discovered in 1930.
Pluto is very far away from the sun. So that’s why it is very cold there!
Pluto rotates on its head.Not like other dwarf planets!
The tilt of Pluto’s axis is Pluto is degrees fahrenheit and in celsius it is -240 degrees too!