This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement EF Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Breakout 3 – Group 3 iDigBio Retreat June 30, 2014 Andrea Matsunaga, Austin Mast, Charlotte Germain Aubrey, Kevin Love, Joanna McCaffrey, Greg Riccardi, Bruce MacFadden, Gil Nelson, Suzette King, Dan Stoner
iDigBio next two years Workshops Continue at full speed with workshops; not de-emphasize for the last 2 years Workshop success is due to being “invited+paid for” Transition to a model where it is partially subsidized by others? A better model is to create something new (e.g., conference) that is not paid by iDigBio Tag along other conferences (then subsidize only room&board for extra day); people that go to conferences (large and small institutions) might not be the same as the people our workshop targets Transition to more train-the-trainers? Advertise more with AdobeConnect? Still lose the opportunity to create connection between people Limiting the budget for workshop is limiting to smaller institutions Make use of more local people that can train others (be careful to not get biased with small collections where “other people”=1) We are also turning away people Position to make this more compelling deal with sustainability (from us paying for everything to other business plans) 2
iDigBio next two years (cont’d) Data Digitization Collections without IT is still a gap Send iDigBio IT? To at least be able to clean and get the data? Need to have commitment from the provider to continue managing the data afterwards What is the unique aspect of iDigBio? Community building. GBIF is also thinking about community building BISON is adding value with US mapping layers Spend time to have a clear statement on what distinguishes us Needs to be in a mindset to find what is transformational (vs. more of the same of years 1-5) Working Groups Need to have working groups complete its goals and produce products 3
iDigBio additional 5 years What is the staff really required to do workshops well? What is transformational in all 4 pillars of iDigBio (Digitization, IT, Research, E&O)? If mobilization is pushed into getting data into GBIF, and that is made usable in BISON, a lot of collaboration between GBIF and iDigBio will be needed to get DwC standards extended 4