Hungary’s participation in the EEA Grants „Scholarship” programme area
National structure National Development Agency (NFP) Implementing Agency – not decided yet Tempus Public Foundation (PO) - LLP National Agency - PO of the former EEA/Norway Grants Scholarship programme
Financial background : EUR Results: 60 projects 405 outgoing (students + staff) 156 incoming (students + staff) : EUR Plans: 180 students (outgoing and incoming) 250 teachers and staff (outgoing and incoming) 12 co-operation projects 75% of the budget goes for the HE sector
Needs analysis Target groups: HE, VET and SE institutions from Hungary and the EEA countries cooperating under –LLP projects –former EEA grants scholarship projects. Results: –50% of Hungarian HE institutons are interested 75% of the budget goes for HE –massive need for co-operating (partnership) projects in addition to mobility measures
Planned measures Preparatory visits Mobility projects –in higher education –in other educational institutions Cooperation projects –between HE institutions –between other educational institutions
Contact details Programme Operator for the „Scholarship” programme area: Tempus Public Foundation H-1093 Budapest, Lónyay u. 31. Tel: Fax: