Allied Plan for Victory How did each Allied country plan on defeating the Axis Powers?
Allied NationGreat BritainUnited StatesSoviet Union LeaderWinston Churchill Franklin D. Roosevelt Joseph Stalin Plan for victory Wants to strike in North Africa first, invade Italy second & invade France later Agrees with Churchill Wants to invade France first, forcing Germany to fight two fronts ActionsSends Gen. Bernard “Monty” Montgomery to El Alamein, Egypt Sends Gen. Dwight Eisenhower to Morocco and Algeria Sends troops to Stalingrad 1942: Soviet Union joins Allied Powers, Stalin meets Churchill & FDR
North Africa Campaign Result:May 1943: Rommel is sandwiched between Monty and Eisenhower and German Afrika Corps are defeated - Allies head to Italy 1.Oct. 1942: Monty attacks Rommel’s troops in El Alamein, Egypt using a frontal attack that catches Germany by surprise. 2. Nov 1942: Rommel must retreat west 3. Nov 1942: Allies launch Operation Torch where Rommel’s retreating troops are met by US Gen. Eisenhower’s troops
Battle of Stalingrad 1.Aug-Nov 1942: Germany controls 90% of the city Result: Feb 1943: Hitler tells men if they surrender they will be shot! His frostbitten, half-starved men surrender 2. Nov 19: Stalin tells troops fight to the death to take his namesake 3. Soviets surround the city, cutting off their supplies.
Invasion of Italy 1.July : From N. Africa, the allies invade the island of Sicily 2. July 24:Allies invade mainland Italy 3. July 25:King has Mussolini arrested. Axis powers retreat north Result:1. Sept 1943:Mussolini escapes but Allies are winning 2. April 1945: Allies finally defeat Germans & Italians in Northern Italy 3. Mussolini disguised as a soldier is spotted, is hanged in town square
Map Time! Battle of Stalingrad Invasion of Italy