Key Stage 2 tests Presentation to parents Thursday 4 th February 2016
Assessing using National Curriculum Levels ceased to exist this year. SATs tests no longer exist in their old form. New statutory testing is still applicable for end of KS2 All papers (with the exception of writing) will be sent away for external marking. Writing is assessed through teacher assessment. Teachers will submit (for all areas) whether a child is working towards the expected standard, working at the expected standard or working at greater depth within the expected standard (based on published interim frameworks). Background
We opted to keep using our old assessment processes this year including the use of levels during interim assessment points (Oct/Feb) for all of the school whilst we develop our new systems. This means that up to Feb we will communicate progress using levels. However, in July your child will receive a standardised score. Decisions this year
Scaled scores replace old National Curriculum Levels. Children will receive a raw score, a scaled score and a written confirmation whether they have attained the expected standard. This data will be issued with the annual reports. There is no official correlation between the old levels and the new scoring system. However, we will strive to offer some form of guidance when thresholds are known to give some link between the two. New system
Your child’s raw will be converted into a scaled score. The national standard is 100, this means that if your child gains a scaled score of 100 they have met the nationally expected standard. This broadly equates to a 4B in old terminology. Children may gain a scaled score that is lower or higher than 100 this means that they are either working towards the expected standard or have shown that they are working at a greater depth. New system
Children will sit the following tests: Reading English grammar, punctuation and spelling Maths No separate level 6 papers. Tests incorporate higher order questions Test papers
One paper – 1 hour 3 different texts non linked No longer a need to read all three texts prior to starting. Range of different question types (multiple choice, selected answers, short and long written) Reading
Test introduced two years ago. Little change to format but some new language and terminology. Two papers - Grammar and punctuation – 45 minutes. Spelling – no time limit, managed by teacher. English grammar, punctuation and spelling
Considerable change to format. 3 papers Paper 1 - Arithmetic test – this replaces the old mental maths tests Paper 2 – reasoning Paper 3 – reasoning Reasoning papers similar to old style but no calculators. Maths
Monday 9 th May – English reading test Tuesday 10 th May – English spelling, grammar and punctuation test Wednesday 11 th May – Paper 1 arithmetic test & Paper 2 Reasoning Thursday 12 th May – Paper 3 Reasoning Test schedule
After half term children will be going into test groups suited to their individual needs, this allows for targeted work and support. Mock test and revision work linked to tests will be undertaken. Additional revision books will be sent home. At school
In the months from now to May – Lots and lots of written arithmetic work – all four operations. Encourage children to use mental skills too. It is a timed test so speed with accuracy is important. Keep going over key spelling rules Encourage your child to read as much as possible Use ‘Workabooks’ to revise key concepts Helping at home
It is paramount your child attends unless very poorly. Please ensure children have rested fully and have gone to bed very early! Water bottles in school Lots of positive encouragement Be in school in good time every day, tests do start promptly. Test week
Thank you for attending Test samples are available for you to browse through And finally….