The March on Washington Ivonne G. U.S. History 4 th period
General Information The March for Washington was for jobs and freedom. It took place on August 28, It was considered the largest demonstration seen in the country’s capital.
The People Attending About 250,000 people attended the rally. People coming from the south were getting harassed and threatened. About a quarter of the people that attended were white. There were several organizations that went, including Martin Luther King Jr., of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).
Known for… The march at Washington to turned out to be both a protest and a communal celebration. There was a lot of policemen that were ready to control everything, but none of these were needed. The march was noted for its civility and peacefulness.
The famous Speech The most memorable speech came Martin Luther King, Jr. He started off his speech with a slight remark that pointed out that there was no violence needed. Then, he moved on to “I have a dream…”