Introductions and news Zhijun Liang
News Exotics part of the analysis require the EB to be involved in the early stage of the analysis. Time scale for Exotics part of the analysis : * May 3: pre-approval in the sub-group * May 11: distribution of the supporting documentation to the Exotics group * May 16: Top-Exotics group approval * June 1: 1st distribution to ATLAS * June 8: Open discussion * June 15: 2nd distribution to ATLAS * June 22: Public reading (plots approved as preliminary) * July 4: ICHEP
Status report in SM meeting We are asked to give a short status report in SM meeting this Thursday (Apr 19) Volunteers are welcome. The content of the talk: Selection cuts optimization The background estimation for 5fb-1 analysis. Request for inputs from everyone Hopefully we can cover Some study on background systematical uncertainty plan for the analysis ( how we organize the Exotics and SM analysis ? ) Timeline for the analysis
Binning strategy Henso is using D0 like binning for Zgamma photon pT. [15,20],[20,30],[30,40],[40,60],[60,100],[100~200]GeV Feng is using another binning for Wgamma.photon pT [15,25],[25,40],[40,60],[60,80],[80,100],[100~200] Feng’s binning has more bins in high pT region. Henso’s binning has focus more on low pT region How about to combine these two binning strategy ? [15,20],[20,30],[30,40],[40,60], [60,80],[80,100],[100~200]GeV 3/19/2016
MET and Z veto cut W(e ν ) γ From Camilla Z veto cut is very important for W(e ν ) γ 15GeV Z Mass window cut improves the significant by a lot 3/19/2016
MET and Z veto cut W( μν ) γ From Camilla Z veto cut is not very useful for muon channel. MET>35GeV seems to be the best choice. 3/19/2016
DR(ll) cuts selection for Zgamma DR(ll) cut is quite useful Zgamma ATGC study. Propose to use |DR(ll)| >0.3 Inputs from Egamma group (Andrea Bocci) that |DR(e+;e-)|>0.2 should be safe 3/19/2016