Welcome Teachers Find 1 mathematical characteristic that you and your tablemates share.
New Teacher Training -quick survey as people enter? (graph stories) 8: Warm-up Math task standards based classroom - How long been teaching -how you feel about math -kind of math student - 8:40-10:40 Math Lesson (model) 11:30-12:30 Lunch 12:30-2:00 -when to show books/components Grade Level Planning (10-day plan) Assessment
charts Monitoring Managing Materials Managing Movement
Math Journals Purpose How to set up Management When to start
Warm - Up This number is odd This number has two digits This number is a multiple of 3 The sum of the digits in this number is greater than 15
CMS Elementary math utilizes Standards Based Instruction What it isn’t First you add the two and the nine. Then you carry the one and put the other one under the nine. Then you add the five, three, and one… What it is There were 52 boxes in the house and 39 in the garage. How many boxes were there in the house and garage? (share student work?)
CMS Elementary math utilizes Standards Based Instruction What it isn’t Teacher stands and talks Students memorize procedures Students copy teacher examples What it is Students talk about the math they are doing Students use what they understand about number to solve problems Students share and analyze their own strategies with teacher guidance
The Anatomy of a Unit??? Each grade level has 9 units (K=7) Each unit has 3 to 4 Investigations Let’s Break here!
Typical Investigations Lesson 1. Classroom Routine/Ten-Minute Math; spirals, 2. Introduction; this portion of the lesson is used to introduce a concept (usually through an activity) 3. Activity(s)/Workshop; students are engaged in the math, teacher observes 4. Discussion; During this portion of the lesson, the teacher guides the discussion and students share strategies
Classroom Routines Quick images Quick Survey –Years of teaching experience- line plot –Favorite subject to teach/learn- scatter –Future PD needs fraction, alg., Number sense - Venn
Workshop K- Roll and Record, Build It 1- Five in a Row, Collect 20 Together 2-Make Ten, Plus1/2 Bingo 3- Close to 100, Capture 5 4- Multiplication Turn-Over, Factor Pairs 5- Division Compare, Multiplication Compare
LISTENING for a purpose! Purposes: A.to guide discussion B.to determine what students need C.to determine teacher-assisted groups D.to determine class needs E.to complete assessments
reflect During what portion of the lesson did the… Students talk about the math they are doing? Students use what they understand about number to solve problems? Students share and analyze their own strategies with teacher guidance?
Getting students ready to learn Standards Based Classrooms aren’t built in a day! Show video?
Organizing Manipulatives By Type Pattern Blocks Pop Cubes By Group Yellow Group
Organizing Movement Build and Remove Ten Plus Plus 9 or 10 Bingo
Keeping Track of what students do Math Workshop What I did this week… Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Students keep track of their work in a folder
Keeping Track of what students do Kids “sign-in” and date each time they visit an activity Make 10 StudentDate
Teacher Recording Ideas Big sheet of paper with kids names in boxes Folder with index cards Sticky labels on clipboard, then stick on students’ folders
Organizing Manipulatives How will you organize materials so… –Students can access them –Students know enough about their own thinking to get what they need –Kids understand that the materials tools for them to use when they need them, not just when it’s time for a game See manipulatives as tools, not toys Gather and put materials away
How will you organize movement? Will they be in small groups, partners, on the floor, at desks, etc. For workshop For discussion For classroom routine For assessment For transitions
Add in the beginning workshop looks like
Picture of WORKSHOP In the end… Students are… Moving quickly to their work Talking with other students about what they understand Engaged and take responsibility for their learning Using manipulatives as math tools Teachers are… Listening to students work Completing informal assessments Offering activities that help students grow mathematically Checking-in to make sure students have what they need and are managing materials appropriately Working with individuals, and small groups of students
What are the routines that kids need to know to be successful? Establish these things with your kids now so you can continue the work –See Implementation guide Kids take responsibility for their own learning Manage stuff Students listen to learn Student communicates thinking, and asks for more when needed
What needs to happen each day Ten-day plan Give them; materials, clsroom routine filled-out Have them fill-out the rest?
Sept 9-10 Keeping track of student thinking Teacher being mindful about their responses Meaningful vs. encouragin responses Journal share; from a low, medium, high kid