Airport Surface Management at LGA: Metering the departure traffic Hector Fornes Advisor: Hamsa Balakrishnan
Agenda Current situation at LGA Current pushback strategy Metering strategy Calibration of the parameters for the model Results and performance measures
Current situation at LGA Source: Source: Balakrishna, H., Hansman, R.J. & Reynolds 2013 Origin of the problems Over-scheduling Limited gates Crossing runways (capacity reductions) Abundance of small planes (shuttles/regional carriers) Consequences Operations close to capacity Capacity limitations Long delays Long queues
Current taxi-out strategy: Push-back at discretion Source: Kladilkar, H. & Reynolds, T How airlines dispatch departing flights Consequences of the “at discretion” policy Source: Balakrishna, H., Hansman, R.J. & Reynolds 2013 Tower
Proposed taxi-out operations: Metering Source: Balakrishna, H., Hansman, R.J. & Reynolds 2013 Other considerations: -Gate conflicts (how we handle them) N-control Queing model GOALS Reduction of fuel burn while taxiing out Reduction of emissions Reduce congestion at the airport
Calibration of the parameters for the model Regression tree Unimpeded taxi-out time
Results: Reduction of fuel and emissions ConceptValue (minutes) Total taxi in the current strategy (pushback at discretion) 21,505 Total taxi with the metering strategy (pushback at discretion) 17,509 Total taxi-out time difference3,996 ConceptReduction Fuel consumption11,988 Kg NOx emissions119,880 g HC emissions48,751 g CO emissions267,732 g ConceptValue (per minute) Fuel consumption 3.0 Kg NOx emissions 30 g HC emissions 12.2 g CO emissions67 g Unitary values Total results Taxi-out reductions 18.5% reduction
Results: Gate conflicts -Maximum of 6 additional conflicts over 15 days in each 15-minute period. -This represents a maximum 1 additional conflict per 15-minute period
Results:FCFS queuing policy Airline Percentage of flights moving forward Percentage of flights moving back % change Delta & Regionals 7,416,0-8,6 American and Eagle 13,32,111,3 Us Air & Regional 7,013,1-6,1 United 13,72,011,7 Spirit 17,50,017,5 Southwest/AirTran 10,31,68,7 Jetblue 11,11,39,8 Others 12,72,510,3 Airline Percentage of flights moving forward Percentage of flights moving back % change Delta & Regionals15,734,1-18,4 American and Eagle28,72,126,6 Us Air & Regional6,625,7-19,1 United30,12,627,5 Spirit30,50,030,5 Southwest/AirTran24,11,322,8 Jetblue20,41,718,7 Others26,85,421,4 Current pushback strategy Metering strategy
Summary of the performance of metering at LGA AspectResults of the implementation of metering Surface congestionReduced to the Nctrl value Gate conflictsA maximum of 1 additional gate conflict for 15 minute period (particularly peak ours) Taxi-out reductions18.5% of taxi-out time 18.5 % in fuel consumption 18.5 % in emissions FCFSLess deviation from the ideal FCFS policy Deviations from FCFS are reduced