Pre-reading: Why are the scientific achievements important to us? If you wanted to do research or started a hi-tech company. What kind of support and environment.


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Presentation transcript:

pre-reading: Why are the scientific achievements important to us? If you wanted to do research or started a hi-tech company. What kind of support and environment would you need? Why do scientists spend so much time trying to achieve sth?  help us understand the world better  improve our life  help advance science and develop society  lead to new discoveries and achievements  scientists and experts, money, good ideas,  the spirit of creativity, inspiration, support…  be curious about new things and ideas  want to understand the world better  want to contribute to society  want to be rich & famous

Para 1-2 Para 3-7 Para 8 Para 9 General introduction of ZGC Why ZGC attracts overseas Chinese The positive effect ZGC has had on both business and science The researchers and scientists’ attitude Outline of the passage

Para1. Why are most of great achievements likely to happen in northwestern Beijing? Para2. What is ZGC? How did it develop? What made ZGC a success? New centre for…, home to… Set up as…in 1990s, the leader of… Got started in ________ by___________ Who ______________________________ Within the next ten years, ____________ _____________move into…,new hi-tech centers developed around ___________________________________ The spirit of creativity and scientific skill 1980sChen Chunxian Opened a private r and d institute …scientific and hi-tech companies The original ZGC Garden

Para 3 XYF is taken an example so as to prove… Para 4-7 why did XUF come to work in ZGC ? How did he feel? work abroad: in ZGC: The science park is also home to… Made it possible for… to… Never felt really comfortable Happy, wonderful, dream… What does he do? Runs … together with

Para 8 What positive effect has ZGC had on business and science? What are the two mottos for the park? What do they indicate? 8000 hi-tech… (half … IT), home to computer giants 1. Relying on science, technology and knowledge to increase economic power S and B work together to … 2. Encouranging pioneering word and accepting failure Scientific achievements are the results of …

Para 9 How do researchers and scientists in ZGC treat failure? What do they value? Be ready to… The spirit and creativity that they represent

1. 有 … 储存着 / 准备着 2. 很有可能 3. 是 … 所在地 / 发源地 4. 中 ( 国 ) 科 ( 学 ) 院 5. 被建成经济特区 6. 在 20 世纪 90 年代初 / 末 7. 有各自的特色 8. 共有创新精神 9. 抓住 … 机遇 10. 海外华人 11. 使 … 做 … 成为可能 12. 获得硕士学位 13. 踏上, 进入 14. 对 … 有积极影响 15. 依靠科学 16. 阐明, 表明 17. 共创未来 18. 鼓励创新 19. 正如 … 所说 20. 复活, 苏醒 1.have…in store’s likely that home to… 4.the Chinese Academy of Science set up as a special economic zone the early/late 1990s 7.have one’s own characteristics 8.share the spirit of creativity 9.grasp the opportunity to do 10.overseas Chinese 11.make it possible for sb. to do 12.get one’s master’s degree 13.set foot in 14.have a positive effect on 15.rely on science 16.make it clear that together to build future 18.encourage pioneering work someone puts it 20.come to life

Location: Status (role): Starting: Developing: Characteristics: Positive effect: Mottos: Researchers and scientists’ attitude in Haidian District, Northwestern Beijing in the early 1980s, ChenChunxian, a private research and development institute next 10 years, more than 100 companies moved in; new hi-tech centers… 8000 hi-tech companies (half –IT) the spirit of creativity and scientific skills Information about Zhongguancun: new center for home to…(3), a special economic zone, the leader of China’s hi- tech industry 1  2 

B. the story of an overseas Chinese: Name: Experiences: 1) working abroad feeling: 2) working at home feeling: Xiang Yufang study and work for a few years because never feel comfortable abroad miss …about China want to return…after…, but not find… happy, wonderful, can do the work… be in …for 3 years & be doing well live in Beijing & run a small company