Exercising Influence in Salary Negotiations by Applying the research you read
Evening MBA students’ descriptions of successful influence attempts Previous research findings cited in Keys & Case Most Frequent Type of Influence Tactic used SupervisorIngratiation Presenting Rational Plans SubordinateFormal Authority Training Giving Explanations (stating why) CoworkerRequesting Help
Practicing managers descriptions of one successful and one unsuccessful influence tactic on different types of targets –Study 1=supervisor –Study 2=subordinate –Study 3=peer 250 influence tactics Keys & Case Research Study
Presenting a rational explanation –E.g., Quantitative analysis, documentation w/data Telling, arguing or talking w/out support –E.g., I would like a raise…(no reason given) Presenting a complete plan –E.g. Anticipating & overcoming counter-arguments or potential obstacles to implement plan Being persistent –Used in combination with other tactics Most frequent tactics used to influence Supervisors
+Equal chance - Rational explanationx Telling, arguing, talking w/out support X Presenting a complete planX Being persistent/repetitivex Relative success (+) & failure (-) Of tactic used on supervisors:
Rational explanation Show confidence & support (inspirational) Listen, counsel, solicit ideas (consultation) Delegate duties, give guidelines & set goals e.g., Flintstones role play Most frequent tactics used to influence Subordinates
Setting goals etc. –Identifying for the subordinate what is expected of him/her (goal), Showing confidence etc (inspirational) –Increasing confidence in the subordinate’s capability of accomplishing task –Motivating subordinate by appealing to his/her values, ideas, goals Why are certain tactics successful w/subordinates
Soliciting ideas (Consultation) –Seeking subordinate participation in planning an activity that subordinate will be involved in or modifying the activity to deal with subordinate concerns/suggestions on how to carry it out Why are certain tactics successful w/subordinates
Rational explanation Show support of others: using agreement of others as a reason for peer to agree Present an example of a parallel situation: using success in other situations as a reason Threaten: imply negative consequences for not agreeing Most frequent tactics used to influence Peers
Research on influence tactics used on subordinates, supervisors & peers –Learning Check –What are the common tactics that are successful for all types of targets? Examples? –Unique tactics to use on subordinates? Examples? –What are successful vs. unsuccessful tactics on supervisors? Examples? Applying Keys & Case to Practice