Unit 1 Vocabulary World Literature
DISCORD: Disagreement between people The two best friends got into a fight, and their yelling and yapping caused a lot of discord and tension.
ENRICHED: Improved or enhanced the quality or value of I added fertilizer to my plants, and it enriched their growth.
HARMONY: agreement in action, opinion, and/or feeling The world would be a more peaceful place if people of different beliefs could live together in harmony.
IMPLORE: to make a serious or emotional request; to beg In a desperate plea, the sobbing mother implored the kidnappers to release her son.
NEGOTIATIONS: discussions aimed at reaching an agreement The negotiations with the kidnappers were successful, and the young boy was returned to his mother.
Perplexed: bewildered, puzzled The beggar was perplexed when a genie appeared before him and handed him a plum bag of riches.
Phenomena: something impressive or extraordinary The Northern Lights are a fascinating phenomena which attract viewers from around the world.
Promenade: a stroll or walk, especially in public, for pleasure or display They like to promenade on the beach along the water looking for seashells and gazing at the sunset.
Revelation: something revealed or disclosed, especially in a surprising way After her friend was killed in a DUI related accident, the college student came to the revelation not to drink and drive.
Vehemently: zealous, ardent, impassioned The basketball players vehemently argued with the referee about their penalty.