WARM UP: List one belief of the Enlightenment Philosophers Also, here is a picture of my hometown to help you warm up on this snowy day! Objective: SWBAT analyze sources to identify the main idea of four enlightenment thinkers. Standards:H.1.c, H.3.a, H.3.c. DOK: 1-3
Number 1 Slide to the left Number 2 Slide to the right Objective: SWBAT analyze sources to identify the main idea of four enlightenment thinkers. Standards:H.1.c, H.3.a, H.3.c. DOK: 1-3 As you wait for your group’s directions, begin to analyze document A; start working on your Document Analysis Sheet
* What was the one important idea that kept reappearing throughout all four documents? * Think about what all the documents had in common; what was the underlining idea. The answer is not black and white so you must read between the lines! Objective: SWBAT analyze sources to identify the main idea of four enlightenment thinkers. Standards:H.1.c, H.3.a, H.3.c. DOK: 1-3
* If you were absent, go to this link of the Enlightenment DBQ. Enlightenment DBQ * Answer ALL the questions for each of the documents * Turn in by Monday for full credit * Stay warm!