Multimedia Reflection on Concepts in Educational Technology My TPACK Development Image from:
What is TPACK? TPACK is a framework that identifies the various domains a teacher would need to successfully integrate technology into the classroom. The main aspects are the following: - Technology Knowledge - Pedagogy Knowledge - Content Knowledge Image from:
My original TPACK model
Where I am now Content Technology Pedagogy
How has my TPACK model changed? In learning about Educational Technologies, how to use them and how they are applied in a learning environment my TPACK model has changed. My technology and pedagogy knowledge has increased as a result of this class. I have learned new websites, apps and concepts to use in the classroom and how all form of educational technology can be used in the classroom to compliment and facilitate student learning and exploration. All three of my TPACK areas have moved closer together because I have learned how all of these are related and complement each other. Picture From:
What Lead to These Changes Module 10 Module 6 Module 3 By learning about the different learning theories I better understand how different forms of technology can address students with different learning needs. In learning about copyright and intellectual property I better understand how to use and respect another individual’s work both when I am teacher and when I am not. Through interacting with a SMART board and researching different ways a SMART board can be used I got a better understanding of the technology I will be expected to use.