How to Publish: Institution and Career Fit Jeffrey A. Greene, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Understanding Your Institution’s Expectations Research / teaching load split expectations What are the goals of your department? –Basic research? –Applied? Teacher education –Pasteur’s Quadrant? Is your department “known” for something? –Centers, institutes, etc
Teaching Expectations Who decides what classes you teach? –You? –Chair? –Department? Can you teach upper-level seminars in your research area? –Can be difficult to stay current otherwise
The Tenure “Look” Publications: –Quality v. quantity (or both?) –Specific topics? Applicability to educators? –Specific methodologies? (quan/qual/mixed) –One clear research line or many? –Frequency year to year? –Establishing independence from advisor –Are single author publications necessary?
The Tenure “Look” Grants: important or no? –Mentorship/training on grant writing? –Support for writing? Brainstorming Writing/proofreading Submission Course releases –Course releases when you get the grant? Is there a limit? –Do grants “buy” you out of service?
Forging a Recognizable Program of Research Read now What skills/knowledge/abilities do I need? What are the important issues? –Subordinate question: What is getting published? –Subordinate-subordinate question: What is getting funded? What is the gap that you will fill?
Forging a Recognizable Program of Research Follow your passion, but lead with your brain –“What kind of difference do I want to make?” –Think ~10 articles in an area –Where is other influential work in this area being published? Target specific journals Read their requirements!
Forging a Recognizable Program of Research Draft the 5-year plan –Yearly pubs, grants, resources needed, how do I want people to view me? –What conferences are important? –Who do I need to connect with? –Tenure letters often go out middle of 5 th year People need to know you by then Publication cycle
Other thoughts from the panel?
Conclusion Discussions/questions/comments/etc: Jeff Greene University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill