Kern Council of Governments KERN REGIONAL BLUEPRINT PROJECT March 16, 2006
Kern Regional Blueprint Project Definition (What is a regional blueprint?) A “vision” of an improved quality of life Coordinated planning Integration of transportation, land use, environmental resources, infrastructure, etc. Widespread community involvement using scenario planning & visualization techniques
Kern Regional Blueprint Project Purpose & Need (Why is a blueprint needed?) Population growth in the Kern region is exploding & will continue in the future Coordinated vision to address growth issues
Kern Regional Blueprint Project Development & Overview (Who will develop the Blueprint?) Kern COG in conjunction with member agencies & community stakeholders Kern COG in conjunction with 7 other San Joaquin Valley regional planning agencies
Kern Regional Blueprint Project Subregional Planning Areas
Kern Regional Blueprint Project Implementation (How will the blueprint process proceed?) Meet with members agency officials, staff & stakeholders to determine issues/values of importance Develop base and alternative scenarios Conduct community workshops Meet to determine “preferred” alternative
Kern Regional Blueprint Project Current Status Grant & agreements approved; Work Programs & budgets amended; Technical steering committees formed Initial Kern COG member meetings underway Development of contact data base underway Project duration: January 1, 2006 thru January 1, 2008 (24 months)
Kern Regional Blueprint Project For more information go to