120 page script 3 acts 1 st and 3 rd acts short (30 pages) 2 nd act longest (60 pages) All structures involve turning points, a build up to the climax and the denouement where the loose ends are tied
After 9 pages, the first plot point emerges – the leaving of the piano on the beach You could argue that the deal with Ada is the first important plot point (p46)
Ada and Baines consummate their love Stewart asserts himself (attempted rape, barricades the house) Ada’s finger chopped off
Ada’s choice to live ‘Happy families’ in Nelson (the town freak)
AdaStewart Flora
AdaBaines Flora
AdaStewart Flora
AdaBaines Flora
A romance Typically, someone falls in love with someone they can’t have. They overcome the obstacles and live happily ever after In this film, however, the romance is more brutal, extreme and powerful
Usually seen from a European point of view, as Europeans were the great colonisers What happens to a culture when another culture takes over? Look at attitude towards sex, women, land, values, etc A postcolonial film might try to address the wrongs of the colonisers or to show them in a negative way.
Take some damaged characters and give them some challenges (often relationships) which despite the agony they cause eventually result in healing.
Set in another time Allows modern audiences to question their own time E.g. Ada uses her husband as a sexual object. We see this as shocking, especially for a Victorian woman and to see a man so vulnerable. Women in our time are constantly viewed as sexual objects. Campion has subverted this.
What is the value to a film maker to have multiple structures operating simultaneously? Which structure is the most familiar and satisfying to the average filmgoer? Explain. Essay – To what extent do you agree that the structure of ‘The Piano’ enhances the audience’s enjoyment of the film?