Ch. 3, Sec. 2 Notes – Africa’s Religion & Government
Traditional African Religion Most African groups believe in a supreme god Hold different beliefs on how one can talk to god Some believed people can speak directly while to God while others believe that smaller Gods and Goddesses were necessary
Islam and Africa Easily reached Africa from Arabia Islam was more popular in the cities as it aided rulers and merchants trying to trade with Arabs Swahili language and culture a mixture of East African and Arabic influences
Ibn Battuta Arab lawyer from Morocco Covered 73,000 miles in 30 years ( AD) Came to West Africa in 1352 Much of what Europeans, then and now, have learned of Medieval West Africa come from his extensive writings
Mansa Musa Ruled Mali from 1312 – 1337 World famous for massive pilgrimage to Makkah in 1324 Gave out so much gold in Cairo the price dropped and did not recover for 12 years Set up libraries, built mosques for Islam in West Africa; additionally, he brought scholars and architects back to Mali
Government in West Africa Anybody can openly complain to the King Ghana – no one can trade without King’s permission; only King can own gold nuggets, most trade in gold dust Ghana, property passes to son of king’s sister Mali, “National Honor of the Trousers”