The Start Humanism at it’s very core denies god and focuses on the power of humanity The supernatural is rejected and the power of humankind is celebrated. They seek to become the best human being possible through their own means—evolution, education, philosophy, etc. Man is pulling himself upwards from the bottom.
Atheism Secular= non-religious Atheism is the chosen stance about theology for secular humanist. The supernatural is a myth—anything outside nature does NOT exist. The concept of “gods” or the “supernatural” were merely made up by humans who didn’t have the technology or education to explain the reasoning behind something.
The Humanist Manifesto Humanist Manifesto I (1933) Humanist Manifesto II (1973) Humanist Manifesto III (Planetary Humanism 2000) *Cosmic and Secular Humanist helped make these A collection of three books written to organize and codify what humanist are in agreement upon and what constitutes “humanism.”
Important Quotes and Ideas from the Manifesto “No deity will save us; we must save ourselves.” Humanist Manifesto II “Humanism cannot in any fair sense of the word apply to one who still believes in God as the source and creator of the universe. Christian humanism would be possible only for those who are willing to admit that they are atheistic humanists. It surely does not apply to God-intoxicated believers.” –Paul Kurtz, editor of Free Inquiry
Humanism vs Atheism All secular humanist are atheist, But Not all atheists are secular humanist. How is that?