A Primer on FTES Kathy Blackwood 10/14/04
What is an FTES? Full Time Equivalent Student Measurement of output (service) 1 FTES = 525 Student Contact Hours 1 FTES = 1 student in class 15 hours per week for 35 weeks 1 FTES can be made up of many individual students
What is WSCH? Weekly Student Contact Hours 1 faculty member teaching a class of 30 students for 3 hours a week generates 90 semester WSCH A faculty member teaching 30 students 3 hours a week for two semesters generates 90 annual WSCH 15 WSCH for 35 weeks generates 1 FTES
What are FLCs? Faculty Load Credits are the measurement of a full time faculty 30 FLCs over 35 weeks is one full time faculty Different assignments have different FLCs 15 FLCs may or may not represent 15 hours per week
What is FTEF? Full Time Equivalent Faculty A faculty teaching 15 FLCs per week (30 FLCs for 2 semesters) generates 1 FTEF 1 FTEF can be made up of several individual faculty
What is load? Load is a measurement of productivity or efficiency WSCH/FTEF 1 faculty member teaching 35 students 15 hours per week for 35 weeks - 30 FLCs - generates 525 WSCH and has a load of 525 WSCH/FTEF