Wait in Sober Expectation 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11.


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Presentation transcript:

Wait in Sober Expectation 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11


1.What is Paul referring to in (1 Thessalonians 5:1) when he says “times and seasons?” This is a reference to future periods of eschatological fulfillment.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 2.What emotions do you experience when you consider the “end times?”

DISCUSSION GUIDE 3.What is the “day of the Lord?” (v. 2) It is a future day when God will interrupt the events of the world and establish His redemption and judgment.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 4.Do you think the day of the Lord is fast approaching? Why or why not?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 5.How will the coming of the Lord be similar to a thief in the night? His arrival will be a surprise to all.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 6.How should you respond to others who think they have the exact date worked out for the coming of the Lord? (Matthew 24:35)

DISCUSSION GUIDE 7.Compare/contrast the differences of the lost/saved on the coming of the Lord. (vs. 3-5) The Lost – Sudden destruction, long-term pain, no escape The Saved – Rapture, Escape from tribulation

DISCUSSION GUIDE 8.How does a Christ-follower stay alert and sober? (vs. 6-8) The breastplate of faith and love – Need to be prepared for battle with the schemes of the devil while showing unconditional love in order to influence the lost. A helmet of salvation – Keeping our minds clean and focused on our commission to offer hope in a hopeless world.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 9.How do (vs. 9-10) offer great hope? Through Jesus we have hope in the resurrection.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 10.What activities should we be doing with other believers? (v. 11) We should encourage and build each other up.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 11.Who are you encouraging and building up?

DISCUSSION GUIDE Waiting in Sober Expectation 1.We should live with hope! 2.We should live expectantly! 3.We should live differently! 4.We should live evangelistically!