Electronic Systems Support EPTAB 6 23 April 2003 News & Information Chris Parkman Catherine Moine
Electronic Systems Support Pool Status
23 April cp EPTAB6 3 New financial conditions Approved by Cashmore November 2003 Simplified conditions for Rental Calculated from the real cost Purchase + maintenance (verification & repair) Adjusted annually Compensation 100% of purchase price for first year -10%/year to minimum of 10% Resales Market value See “Electronics Pool User’s Guide”
23 April cp EPTAB6 4 Financial results 2003 Revenue (rental, compensation, resales) 2’384’000 CHF Manpower 201’000 CHF Maintenance 286’000 CHF Consumables 7’000 CHF Investments 1’985’000 CHF Approximate numbers
23 April cp EPTAB6 5 Financial predictions 2004 Revenue (rental, compensation, resales) 1’900’000 CHF -17% on 2003 Manpower 200’000 CHF 200’000 CHF for 2005 Required for assumed worst case scenario for 2005 accelerator shut-down Maintenance ~250’000 CHF Consumables ~7’000 CHF Investments ~1’200’000 CHF
23 April cp EPTAB6 6 Pool rental “freeze” For experiments not wishing to dismantle during shut-down “Freeze” conditions 18% of normal rental (~overhead costs) No use, no movements, no support
23 April cp EPTAB6 7 Financial predictions Best case? Assumes that some experiments will keep equipment in place at “overhead” rate of 18% Guess! Resumption of LHC test activity at 2004 levels, no fixed target and other users continuing at 2004 levels Overhead 13% Overhead 19% Overhead 20%
23 April cp EPTAB6 8 Migration to BAAN400 First stage complete Same instance as CERN Stores Water-tight from Stores accounting, etc. Improved monthly billing procedure, No further need for database support in ESS Group One full-time equivalent database engineer position redeployed into technical support role Second stage Extra features and facilities have become feasible Electronic equipment reservation like a Stores “Materials Request” Work started by IT/AIS
23 April cp EPTAB6 9 Electronic reservation Will ensure that budget accounts are valid and provisioned EDH signature chain Will allow off-line work by Pool reception Better preparation Requires a different approach by users Planning! “Self-service” still available, but restricted
23 April cp EPTAB6 10 Stores Catalogue Pool Equipment Catalogue 13 n times User Equipment Request Equipment Requestor Budget Code Date required Etc. Pool Equipment Decision Discuss with Requestor Rejected items Equipment “Reserved” for n days Y Equipment Rented Equipment Despatched User EDH Signature Chain Budget limit approved Form signed within n days EDH Form (shopping basket) Modified EDH Form n Items = accepted n items = rejected Accepted items New EDH Form EDH Pool Equipment Rental Process
23 April cp EPTAB6 11 Stock reduction ~5 palettes of redundant equipment removed Scopes ?? Acquisitions
23 April cp EPTAB6 12 Stock renewal (>8/2003) Power supplies HV mainframes and modules CAEN SY1527, SY2527 CAEN NIM modules LV Wiener - PL500 Laboratory supplies Wavetek, Delta, TTI, Gossen Crates NIM, LHC VME64x (9U & 6U), Tower VME Wiener, Trenew, Polyrack Oscilloscopes LeCroy 500MHz Tektronix portable Generators Wavetek arbitrary waveform generators Agilent pulse generators Source & measurement Keithley sourcemeter Keithley multimeters Keithley picoammeters Front end CAEN discriminators (V895B) CAEN CRAMS sequencers (V551BB) CAEN 32 ch. peak sensing ADC (V785AC) System CAEN parallel port interfaces CCT VP110 SBC KVASER PCI/CAN interfaces TTC TTCvi TTCvx
23 April cp EPTAB6 13 ESS Pool-related personnel Retirements Gilbert Dumont – end May Power supplies, crates, measurement instruments, etc., etc. Albert Zimmer – end June Pool reception Recruitment Ex-industrial support Bertrand Smaniotto – Pool administration Alain Guy – Instruments New One LS (3 year LD) post to be filled – maintenance & pool reception
23 April cp EPTAB6 14 Operation with reduced personnel One person for Pool reception Bertrand Smaniotto How to cover absences, holidays, etc.? Possibilities Limit direct access Restrict opening hours Electronic equipment requests
Electronic Systems Support Requests for Equipment
23 April cp EPTAB6 16 EPTAB5 ATLAS - Farthouat Infrastructure – crates High end instrumentation LHCb - Neufeld Network analysers Traffic generators
23 April cp EPTAB6 17 Low voltage power supplies CAEN EASY New items Evaluation by ESS tdb Wiener PL units – all rented Wiener Maraton Evaluation by ESS underway Background
23 April cp EPTAB6 18 CAEN EASY Rad/mag tolerant power supplies
23 April cp EPTAB6 19 Other Pool general LeCroy Software options for scopes National Instruments MXIbus CMS+ CAEN USB-VME link PCI-VME optical link CERN Electronics Engineering Committee JTAG Technologies USB/LAN/Firewire JTAG controller
Electronic Systems Support Future of EPTAB
23 April cp EPTAB6 21 My understanding is… Electronics Advisory Board - EAB Has been dissolved Mandate To act as an advisory committee to the EP Division. Its function is to give general guidelines for the electronics service activities, including the Electronic Pool, within the framework of the available resources in the Division. The membership reflects the approved experimental program, the user community, the management of EP and of the Electronic Support Groups. It operates in cooperation with the LHC Electronic Coordinating Committee (LECC). EPTAB reported to EAB Electronics Pool Technical Advisory Board – EPTAB Mandate EPTAB advises the ESS Group Leader on the technical profile of the Electronics Pool (types and mix of equipment) and on the choice of individual items of equipment Future Given the demise of the EAB, Dieter Schlatter has asked me to proposed a broader mandate for a committee to cover the mandate of EPTAB and that part of the EAB mandate concerned with the Pool. Also to include representatives of the wider user community (CERN users)