Checks & Balances of the Three Branches of Government Executive Branch Judicial BranchLegislative Branch
Checks and Balances of the Three Branches of Government Checks and Balances is a system established by the U.S. Constitution that: Prevents any branch from becoming too powerful. Allows powers of each branch to be challenged and checked by the powers of the others.
What powers of the three branches allowed these to occur? After the Civil War, President Andrew Johnson vetoed over 20 congressional bills. After the Civil War, Congress overrode over 20 of President Johnson’s vetoes! In 1987, President Ronald Reagan appointed Judge Robert Bork to the Supreme Court. His nomination was defeated by the Senate.
1.Senate ratifies treaties negotiated by the President 2.Supreme Court can declare treaties unconstitutional (2 spots) 3.Senate accepts/rejects appointments to President’s cabinet 4.Supreme Court can declare laws unconstitutional (2 spots) 1.L √ E 2.J √ E and J √ L 3.L√ E 4.J √ L and J √ E
5. President nominates Supreme Court justices 6.Congress proposes amendments to Constitution to reverse court decisions 7.Senate accepts/rejects Supreme Court nominees (2 spots) 8.Chief Justice presides over Presidential impeachment trial 5. E √ J 6.L √ J 7.L √ J and L √ E 8.J √ E
9.President vetoes laws 10. Congress overrides presidential veto 11. President can suggest ideas for laws to Congress 12.President has the power to pardon individuals convicted of crimes 13.Congress has impeachment powers (2 spots) 9. E √ L 10. L √ E 11. E √ L 12. E √ J 13. L √ J and L √ E