Core Issues in Comparative Politics (PO233) Module Director: Dr. Renske Doorenspleet Associate Professor in Comparative Politics director Centre for Studies in Democratization Department of Politics and International Studies University of Warwick, UK
Content Lecture & Seminar week 5 (A)Lecture week 5 Watch the debate (June 2008) ‘Democracy and Development: Friend or Foe’. Make notes. Collect statements. Write your own questions down as well. (B) Seminar week 5 Present and explain your collected statements. Discussion. Do you agree or disagree? Why? What are your own questions?
(B) Content seminar week 5 We have just watched a recent debate (on DVD) on democratization issues, and will discuss it now during seminar. Preparation for this seminar of week 5: a.Read the literature: What are the trends of democratization over time? Are there indications of a reverse wave? b.Collect statements on basis of literature and lecture week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (at least 2 statements per week) and them to me (deadline is Oct. 26, noon)
interesting statements week 2 We need comparative methodology if we want to understand political reality Case studies should not been seen as being part of the comparative methodology The MSS is to be preferred above the MSD design Any methodology in comparative politics has its own strengths and weaknesses
interesting statements week 3 and 4 Week 3: Procedural definitions of democracy have become much more common than substantive definitions Developing definitions and measurements of democracy has always proved to be a very difficult, but necessary task Week 4: Democracy has developed in waves Since democracy has become ‘the only game in town’, political scientists are now more focusing on the quality rather than quantity of democracy in their research There is no single explanation for transitions to democracy If we want to explain democracy, we need alternatives for the modernization theory
interesting statements week 5 The study of waves of democratization has been plagued by empirical, methodological and normative problems There are no clear signs of a reverse wave of democratization See statements on the basis of the debate ‘Democracy and Development: Friend or Foe’ Also needed: insights in waves of regime change over time (in your own selected countries)
(C) Information seminar week 7 Choose two countries and describe & explain their level of democracy or regime change. Find out which theoretical explanation is most convincing on the basis of your own study. Use the required literature of week 2, 3, 4 and 5. Write a memo of 1,500-2,000 words. it to me; deadline is Nov. 9, noon Give a presentation (5 minutes) and time for Q&A (5 minutes)