Encryption. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: BY THE END OF THE LESSON YOU SHOULD KNOW. What encryption is and why it is important The basics of encryption techniques How to encrypt a message using the Caesar cipher How to encrypt a message using the transposition cipher How to use frequency analysis to help decrypt ciphers
Encryption - Starter: Since you were so upset last week. Here is the quiz!! Please enter the link below to play the quiz regarding number systems. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson you should know. What encryption is and why it is important The basics of encryption techniques How to encrypt a message using the Caesar cipher How to encrypt a message using the transposition cipher How to use frequency analysis to help decrypt ciphers
What is Encryption?: It’s a process of scrambling information so it cannot be understood by anyone intercepting the data. To decrypt it you need to know the encryption method and key used.Sender Data Receiver
Why is it important?: Data is vulnerable It could be personal information It could be sensitive information Networks and computers can be hacked
Encryption Basics: How does it work? By changing plaintext into ciphertext Hello world Cfzzn anwzx Hello world Decrypted by receiver by knowing the cipher method and using a key.
Caesar cipher. Example of a shift cipher ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ VWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU An example of a monoalphabetic cipher. What is the key? Ans: 5
Caesar cipher. Example of a substitution cipher ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ERNESTBEVIN
Caesar cipher. Example of a substitution cipher ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ERNSTBVI
Caesar cipher. Example of a substitution cipher ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ERNSTBVIACDFGHJKLMOPQUWXYZ ERNSTBVI What is the key? Ans:
Caesar cipher. Another example of a substitution cipher ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ERNSTBVIACDFGHJKLMOPQUWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ DQKWROTPJYNUBSIXCLAZGMVEFH An example of a polyalphabetic cipher. What is the key? Ans: a lookup table
Frequency analysis Shift/substitution ciphers are easy to crack. Done by analysing the frequency of characters. Who can guess most frequent letter in English alphabet? Ans: E
Transposition Cipher Please watch this video tutorial.
Plenary: How did you get on with the task? Was it too difficult/too easy? Are you confident you have learnt the learning objectives? Homework: Read through section 27 and complete tasks in AQA A level Computer Science for before next week lesson. And remember UPLOAD TO FRONTER!!!