Process platform for rapid screening Anh N. Phan, Adam P. Harvey, Valentine Eze, Fatimah Mohd Rasdi and Martin Rawcliffe School of Chemical Engineering & Advanced Materials Newcastle University Newcastle 2 nd May 2012
Process platform d o /d≈ d d= 5mm (a) (b) (c) Oscillatory flow 340mm (Phan et al. (2010), Chemical Engineering Journal, 159 (1-3) pp )
Advantages Operate at very low net flow rates: from µl/hr to ml/hr (residence time : mins to hours) Reduce amount of reagents and waste Suitable for viscous liquid and multiphase reactions (solid-liquid, gas-liquid and solid- solid-liquid) Suitable for continuous high throughput screening & small scale pharmaceutical production
Residence time distribution T= No oscillation, Re n =2.19Applied oscillatory flow, Re n =2.55 Phan et al. (2011), Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 50 (3) pp
Two-phase liquid reaction- Biodiesel production Residence time: 10mins Phan et al. (2012) Chemical Engineering & Technology journal, In press
Two-phase liquid reaction- Biodiesel production (cont) Phan et al. (2011), Fuel Processing Technology, 92 (8) pp
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