The Shield of the Trinity Fig 1
First Sunday after Pentecost in the Western Christian liturgical Calendar Christian Doctrine of the Trinity: The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit Fig 2
Prior to reforms of Second Vatican Council: Marks the end of a three-week period when church weddings were forbidden Began on Rogation Sunday, the fifth Sunday after Easter.
Double of the Second Class by Pope John XXII Double of the First Class by Pope St Pius X on 24 July Fig 3Fig 4
In the traditional Divine Office, Athanasian Creed (Quicunque vult) is said on this day at Prime. Before 1960 reforms, it was said on all Sundays after Epiphany and Pentecost Fig 5
Christian statement of belief, focusing on Trinitarian doctrine and Christology Latin name taken from the opening words "Whosoever wishes." First creed in which the equality of the three persons of the Trinity is explicitly stated
Early Church: No special Office or day was assigned for the Holy Trinity During the Arian heresy, the Fathers prepared an Office with canticles, responses, a Preface, and hymns Fig 6
The Micrologies (P.L., CLI, 1020), written during the pontificate of Gregory VII call the Sunday after Pentecost a Dominica vacans, with no special Office Alexander II ( ), refused a petition for a special feast on the plea, as Roman Church daily honoured the Holy Trinity by the Gloria Patri
John XXII ( ) ordered the feast for the entire Church on the first Sunday after Pentecost After the first great Pentecost that the doctrine of the Trinity was proclaimed to the world, the feast becomingly follows that of Pentecost
Trinity Sunday Liturgy of the Hours Athanasian Creed History ml ml
Fig 1: Fig 2: Fig 3: Fig 4: Fig 5: Fig 6:
Catholic Encyclopedia The Holy Trinity: In Scripture, History, Theology And Worship (Paperback) by Robert Letham